Media Associations Urge Value for Journalism in Digital Ecosystem The statement "Media of the Americas Call for the Defense of the Values of Professional Journalism in the Digital Ecosystem" is signed by 18 international and national associations.
The state of media in Miami is strong. It just doesn't look like it used to After suffering through a nearly decade-long transition as traditional revenue sources evaporated, Miami media players appear to be finding their paces.
Joint Declaration on Media Independence and Diversity in the Digital Age Experts of the UN, OSCE, IACHR and the African Commission on Human Rights issued the Declaration that addresses a current threats to media freedom on safety, legal, political, technological and economic issues; and the measures that ought to be taken by the states to overcome them.
IAPA condemns fact that Peru's Congress is considering legalizing discrimination against privately-owned media Condemnation of a bill being discussed by the Peruvian Congress which if adopted would prohibit public entities from placing official advertising in privately-owned news media.
IAPA criticizes Bolivian government's new imposition on media Concern at a new law that imposes on privately-owned media an obligation to publish electoral ads free of charge, in detriment to their financial situation.
IAPA condemns political harassment against director of a media outlet in Peru This type of harassment "reveals the lack of democratic vocation of those groups or individuals who refuse to acknowledge that freedom of the press and of expression is nourished by the plurality and diversity of editorial criteria in the media."
Obstacles to the practice of journalism, sustainability and independence of the media are the main concerns, emphasizes Carlos Jornet Assessment of the complex situation of press freedom in the Americas.