IAPA praise initiative of Colombian Congressmen in support of the media The organization urged other governments in the Americas to promote similar measures and requested all the Colombian parliamentary forces to accompany the proposal.
Successful IAPA mission promotes agenda in Washington in favor of journalists and media sustainability "We are delighted because we have received a good reception for our claims and concerns," said IAPA President, Jorge Canahuati.
IAPA rejects creation of an official media observatory in Argentina Surprise that a topic so relevant to society and democracy "has not had the necessary public debate."
IAPA concerned about Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister attacks on media "Politicians who proclaim their faith in democracy are often intolerant of public criticism."
Venezuelan officials denounced to the IAPA for censoring and blocking digital media Report by a National Assembly Committee makes CANTV president and CONATEL director responsible for the attacks on and censorship of portals El Pitazo, La Patilla, Tal Cual and El Nacional's website.
IAPA decries the Canal 12 embargo in Nicaragua and the use of fiscal policies to repress media operations "The regime continues to demonstrate that it does not have the least respect for the independent press."