Only 12 Hours Left Until the IAPA Contest Closes Only work published between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023.
IAPA contest closes in two weeks The first prize in each of them is paid with US $ 2,000 (two thousand US dollars). The award ceremony will be held in October 2019 during the 75th General Assembly of the SIP in Miami, Florida.
IAPA will address violations of press freedom in the Americas Annual General Assembly from October 21 to 23, virtually and free for all participants.
Successful IAPA mission promotes agenda in Washington in favor of journalists and media sustainability "We are delighted because we have received a good reception for our claims and concerns," said IAPA President, Jorge Canahuati.
IAPA announces 2018-2019 post-graduate academic scholarship program Applications will be accepted by IAPA between Nov. 15, 2018 and Jan. 31, 2019.