IAPA Praises Winners of the Maria Moors Cabot Prizes 2023 Alejandra Xanic and June Erlick's work in the fight against impunity for the murders of journalists is highlighted by IAPA.
Two years after the imprisonment of José Rubén Zamora, the IAPA reiterates the call for his immediate release
UN Global call to improve the safety of journalists on the ground Action-oriented recommendations to improve the protection of journalists and reinforce the implementation of the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity were identified by key stakeholders at a meeting organized by UNESCO and OHCHR in Geneva.
IAPA pledges to seek justice in the case of murdered Ecuadorean journalists The recovery of the victims' bodies will enable closure of a mourning of anguish and uncertainty.
International IAPA mission to travel to Nicaragua next week The delegation will advocate for the release of imprisoned journalists.
Failures in protection mechanisms for Latin American journalists Protection mechanisms have helped save the lives of journalists at risk in several countries in the region.
IAPA Expresses Concern About Threats Against Journalists in Ecuador Two La Posta journalists left the country, four in 2023