Concern at threats against El Salvador digital media journalists Intimidation against journalists of Revista Factum and El Faro, after they published investigations that revealed the participation of policemen in unlawful executions.
IAPA condemns attacks against journalists in Nicaragua The organization request the government to reintegrate media to its rightful owners
The press unbder attack May 29, 2012 Mr. President, Brazil, Colombia, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico Organized crime is seeking to silence the press by raising the level of violence in the region. Your country is one of the five most affected by crimes and attacks upon newspaper offices.
IAPA concerned about Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister attacks on media "Politicians who proclaim their faith in democracy are often intolerant of public criticism."
Who ordered the killing of Dom Phillips and Bruno Pereira? Murder in the Amazon reminds us of the crime against journalist Tim Lopes
La SIP alerta contra una ley que causaría un enorme retroceso para la libertad de expresión en República Dominicana Miami (8 de noviembre, 2012).- La Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa (SIP) alertó sobre un proyecto de ley que ya recibió media sanción en la Cámara de Diputados de República Dominicana y que, de ser aprobado, constituiría un grave retroceso para la libertad de expresión en ese país.