IAPA launches campaign to promote freedom of expression in the digital era Under the label #exprésate the IAPA seeks to create awareness about the rights and duties that users, media, journalists, digital platforms and governments have in the digital era.
Media Associations Urge Value for Journalism in Digital Ecosystem The statement "Media of the Americas Call for the Defense of the Values of Professional Journalism in the Digital Ecosystem" is signed by 18 international and national associations.
The IAPA Launches Second Edition of Digital Transformation Program With the support of Google News Initiative, it will benefit 40 Latin American media outlets.
Venezuelan officials denounced to the IAPA for censoring and blocking digital media Report by a National Assembly Committee makes CANTV president and CONATEL director responsible for the attacks on and censorship of portals El Pitazo, La Patilla, Tal Cual and El Nacional's website.
IAPA condemns digital spying and calls for a halt to it The use of this mechanism is a serious attack upon freedom of expression and of the press, on the right to privacy and protection of news sources.
Joint Declaration on Media Independence and Diversity in the Digital Age Experts of the UN, OSCE, IACHR and the African Commission on Human Rights issued the Declaration that addresses a current threats to media freedom on safety, legal, political, technological and economic issues; and the measures that ought to be taken by the states to overcome them.