IAPA condemns government surveillance of the Salvadoran press Any type of government monitoring or surveillance is a direct affront to freedom of expression standards and to democracy
CPJ recognizes global Press Oppressors amid Trump's fake news awards The CPJ names its global Press Oppressors, world leaders who use rhetoric, legal action, and censorship to try to silence their critics.
IAPA condemns attacks against the press and calls for democracy in Brazil Concern for the safety of press personnel during the performance of their news work.
Obstacles to the practice of journalism, sustainability and independence of the media are the main concerns, emphasizes Carlos Jornet Assessment of the complex situation of press freedom in the Americas.
Trump's unprecedented verbal attacks on the media The U.S. Press Freedom Tracker has documented 29 physical assaults on journalists so far in 2017.
IAPA delegation to visit President Kuczynski in Peru As part of the commemoration in Lima of World Press Freedom Day on May 3, also meeting with officials of the judicial and legislative branches of government and a forum at the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences.
'De facto' censorship in Nicaragua denounced by IAPA in Washington 'Freedom of Expression and Democracy in Nicaragua' forum held by IAPA and Inter-American Dialogue in Washington, DC.
Serious attack against democracy in El Salvador, denounces the IAPA Retaliation and a direct attack on press freedom