IAPA rejects the absurd sentence by the Ortega regime The organization will present heart-wrenching testimonies of prisoners' relatives at its next meeting.
IAPA Condemns New Cuban Law Legalizing Official Censorship "The regime is legalizing censorship with a new law that allows it, at its leisure, to put an end to criticism of independent journalism and the opinions of its citizens on the Internet."
IAPA condemns continued crackdown by government of Nicaragua Through laws created to suit its objectives, the regime is determined to annihilate all critical voices.
IAPA condemned attacks against journalists and media in Nicaragua "The international community, especially the governments of the region, must exert more pressure against an authoritarian regime."
Strong condemnation of the IAPA for a new escalation of attacks against Venezuelan media We will insist with our complaint before the intergovernmental organizations and democratic governments of the region
IAPA delivers critical report on Nicaragua to the IACHR Commissioner Urrejola: "Nicaragua does not breathe democracy or civil liberties"