The Inter American Press Association performs a variety of activities to serve its mission to defend and promote press freedom periodically, methodically and systematically.
Among the highlights: Continuous monitoring of violations of freedom of the press and expression in each country of the Americas and the publication of half-yearly reports.
The mobilization of IAPA directors, personalities and institutions in defense of freedom of expression and the integrity of the journalism profession in the Americas.
Public campaigns through the media, affiliated or not affiliated to the IAPA, on press freedom issues and the denouncing and reporting of crimes against journalists.
To promote in different levels of Governments and with the help of the civil society, legislation on access to public information and, also, the elimination of laws that restricts press freedom.
Pro-active support in the creation and dissemination of a supra-national jurisprudence favorable to freedom of expression in the hemisphere.
The organization of emergency forums, with the attendance of international delegations, to demand in situ the full respect to press freedom.
Conducting outreach missions to confront impunity in crimes against journalists, including seminars, forums, debates, etc., in all countries of the hemisphere.
A strong and fast public denouncement of violations, threats or assaults on journalists and the media, through resolutions, press releases and high level international missions.
The creation and updating of a map of risks for the exercise of journalism in the Americas, which serves as a guide for the protection of media professionals who move into the most troubled countries.
The mobilization of a rapid response unit, integrated by investigative journalists, in case of killing of journalists anywhere in the hemisphere.
The moral support and solidarity with journalists imprisoned for exercising their profession, either through visits to prison or, when unable, through direct support to their families, as in the case of independent journalists in Cuba.
Emergency visits to countries with cases that threaten freedom of speech and press.