22 March 2004

IAPA Announces Scholarship Winners 2004


Los Cabos, Mexico (March 22, 2004) - The Scholarship Fund of the Inter American Press Association (IAPA) has selected this years scholarship winners during the organizations Midyear Meeting in Los Cabos, Mexico, on March 12-15, 2004.
The scholarship winners are the following:

IAPA Scholarship:
Cindy Carcamo (Los Angeles)
Eleonora Judith Rabinovich (Argentina)

Each year the IAPA offers scholarships for journalists in Latin America and the Caribbean to study in the United States, and for journalists in the United States to study in Latin America. The scholarship is in the amount of $13,000, plus travel expenses. Funding for these scholarships has been generously provided by special contributions from the IAPA newspaper members.

Jaime Mantilla, from HOY newspaper in Quito, Ecuador, and President of the IAPA Scholarship Fund confirmed the names of the scholarship winners during a special meeting of the IAPA Scholarship Fund in Los Cabos.
