17 November 2009

IAPA elects officers for 2009-2010

Miami (November 18, 2009)—At its 65th General Assembly, held November 6 to 10 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the Inter American Press Association (IAPA) chose its new slate of officers. Alejandro J. Aguirre, Deputy Editor and Publisher of the Miami, Florida, newspaper Diario Las Americas, was elected president of the hemisphere’s free-press organization for 2009-2010.


Miami (November 18, 2009)—At its 65th General Assembly, held November 6 to 10 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, the Inter American Press Association (IAPA) chose its new slate of officers. Alejandro J. Aguirre, Deputy Editor and Publisher of the Miami, Florida, newspaper Diario Las Americas, was elected president of the hemisphere’s free-press organization for 2009-2010. 

Accompanying Aguirre will be Scott C. Schurz, of the Herald-Times, Bloomington, Indiana, Honorary Life President; 1st Vice President Gonzalo Marroquín, Prensa Libre, Guatemala, Guatemala; 2nd Vice President Milton Coleman, The Washington Post, Washington, DC.; treasurer; Elizabeth Ballantine, The Durango Herald, Durango, Colorado; Secretary Jaime Mantilla, Hoy, Quito. Ecuador, and Julio E. Muñoz, Executive Eirector. 

The Executive Committee has as its Chairman Juan Luís Correa, La Estrella, El Siglo, Panamá, Republica de Panamá, and as Vice Chairman Enrique Santos Calderón, El Tiempo, Bogota, Colombia. Members of the Executive Committee are Francisco Altamirano, El Diario de Hoy, San Salvador, El Salvador; Sidnei Basile, Grupo Abril, São Paulo, Brazil; Bruce Brugmann, San Francisco Bay Guardian, San Francisco, California; Jorge Canahuati Larach, La Prensa, San Pedro Sula, Honduras; Juan Francisco Ealy Ortiz, El Universal, México, DF; Felipe T. Edwards, La Segunda, Santiago, Chile; Milton Coleman, The Washington Post, Washington, DC.; Gerardo García Gamboa, Novedades de Mérida, Mérida, Yucatán, México;  Vivian-Anne Gittens, Nation News, Fontabelle, Barbados; Armando González Rodicio, La Nación, San José, Costa Rica; Anders Gyllenhaal, The Miami Herald, Miami, Florida; José Santiago Healy, Diario San Diego, Chula Vista, California; Gonzalo Marroquín, Prensa Libre, Guatemala, Guatemala; Francisco Miró Quesada, El Comercio, Lima, Perú; Bartolomé Mitre, La Nación, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Gustavo Mohme S., La República, Lima, Perú; Robert Rivard, San Antonio-Express News, San Antonio, Texas; Edward Seaton, Seaton Newspapers, Manhattan, Kansas and Jayme Sirotsky, RBS, Porto Alegre, Brasil. 

The IAPA Scholarship Fund, responsible for selecting recipients of international study scholarships, is chaired by Jayme Sirotsky, RBS, Porto Alegre, Brazil; and has as Vice Chairmen Carlos Salinas, El Diario de Coahuila, Saltillo, México; Jorge Andrés Saieh, La Tercera, Santiago, Chile and Alfredo Jiménez de Sandi, Zacatecas en Imagen, México. Other officers of the Scholarship Fund are the Treasurer Silvia Miró Quesada, El Comercio, Lima, Perú; Secretary Nélida Rajneri, Río Negro, General Roca, Argentina and IAPA’s Executive Director Julio E. Muñoz. 

The organization’s entity responsible for professional training and advancement of journalists, the IAPA Press Institute, is headed by Chairman Vivian-Anne Gittens, Nation News, Fontabelle, Barbados;  President, Gustavo Mohme S, La Republica, Lima, Perú; Vice Presidents, Bruce B. Brugmann, San Francisco Bay Guardian, San Francisco, California; Francisco N. Fascetto, Diario Popular, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Treasurer, Cristina Aby-Azar, Wall Street Journal Américas, New York, NY; Secretary, Manny García, El Nuevo Herald, Miami, Florida. Members of the Press Institute’s Advisory Council include: Luis Manuel Agois, Diario OJO, Lima, Perú; Eduardo Alemán, El Carabobeño, Valencia, Venezuela; Rosental C. Alves, University of Texas, Austin, Texas; James Bettinger, Stanford University, Stanford, California; Maria Elvira Domínguez, El País, Cali, Colombia; José Roberto Dutriz, La Prensa Gráfica, San Salvador, El Salvador; Charles Eisendrath, Knight Fellowship, Ann Arbor, Michigan; Luís Alberto Ferré, El Nuevo Día, San Juan, Puerto Rico; Gerardo García Gamboa, Novedades de Mérida, Mérida, México; Saturnino Herrero Mitjans, Clarín, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Raúl Kraiselburd, El Día, La Plata, Argentina; Gonzalo Leaño Reyes, Ocho Columnas, Zapopán, Jalisco, México; Stuart Loory, Missouri School of Journalism, Columbia, Missouri; Guadalupe Mantilla, El Comercio, Quito, Ecuador; Claudio Paolillo, Búsqueda, Montevideo, Uruguay; Guillermo Scheck, El País, Montevideo, Uruguay; Carlos Schaerer Jiménez, El Mercurio, Santiago, Chile and Aldo Zuccolillo M., ABC Color, Asunción, Paraguay, in addition to Executive Director Julio E. Muñoz and Press Institute Director Ricardo Trotti.

For more details, go to www.sipiapa.org  
