17 April 2012

IAPA half-yearly meeting in Cádiz to honor Spanish Constitution

Miami (April 17, 2012)—In commemoration of the bicentenary of Spain’s first Constitution, promulgated in Cádiz, the Inter American Press Association (IAPA) is to make that city the venue of its Midyear Meeting beginning on Friday this week, to review the state of press freedom in the Americas and hold seminars and panel discussions of issues of general interest.

Miami (April 17, 2012)—In commemoration of the bicentenary of Spain’s first Constitution, promulgated in Cádiz, the Inter American Press Association (IAPA) is to make that city the venue of its Midyear Meeting beginning on Friday this week, to review the state of press freedom in the Americas and hold seminars and panel discussions of issues of general interest.

While the review of how freedom of the press has fared in the Western Hemisphere is the main objective of this half-yearly meeting the IAPA will be honoring on this occasion the proclamation on March 19, 1812 of the Spanish Constitution, known as “La Pepa” and considered to be one of the most liberal of its time.

In this regard, a panel discussion will focus on the impact of “La Pepa” in the world and its link with the Americas, while another will explore the effects of the new Latin American constitutions on freedom of the press. Panel discussions will also be held on international politics and economies.

The program of activities of the meeting, to take place at the Cádiz Palacio de Congresos (Convention Center) April 20-23, also includes the holding of seminars that will have as their common focus discussion of alternatives for making news companies profitable.

The meeting will have the participation of more than 250 people connected to news media who in a public forum will take a close look at issues affecting press freedom, among them violence against journalists and news media, censorship and self-censorship, court-ordered punishments and fines, and legislative bills restricting the work of the press.

The IAPA has also scheduled meetings of its committees to review plans of work and activities for the next six months.

For more information on the Cádiz meeting go to the Web site http://www.sip-asambleas.org/home.php and link to the activities program.

The IAPA is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the defense and promotion of freedom of the press and of expression in the Americas. It is made up of more than 1,300 print publications from throughout the Western Hemisphere and is based in Miami, Florida. For more information please go to http://www.sipiapa.org.
