
MEXICO Freedom of the press in Mexico oscillates between the president's pledge to respect it and the desire of some bureaucrats to prevent it, at times violently. There is no restriction on freedom of expression or censorship but journalists are unsure what price they might have to pay for exercising this right. President Carlos Salinas de Gortari's administration is keeping its promise to maintain the free flow of ideas: on April 20 it ended a 54-year newsprint monopoly by the state-owned PIPSA and opened the border to imports. PIPSA continues to grow financially but is no longer is a Damocles sword hanging over press freedom in Mexico. Privatization of PIPSA, another of the presidential promises, has not yet been achieved, but the government stresses that it remains willing to sell it. The PIPSA board of directors, comprising representatives of major newspaper publishing companies, wanted newsprint production to remain in state hands. But by allowing free import of newsprint, the government heeded those who are opposed to newspaper production being dependent upon the government. Journalist Jorge Castafieda and his secretary received a death threat from armed individuals June 15 and again after reporting the matter to police. President Salinas personally issued a statement from Tokyo, where he was on an official visit, condemning the incidents and reiterating his respect for freedom of expression, and called Castaneda to offer support. The incident remains under investigation. Rodolfo F. Pena, a writer for La Jornada,said July 2 he had received telephoned death threats. The Federal district attorney general's office provided special protection for him while it investigated the complaint. April 17, Mexico City police arrested the publisher of the magazine La Trilla on the pretext of investigating the illegal acquisition of the publication's machinery. On April 21, the Tabasco correspondent of Excelsior, Jose Chable Ruiz, was assaulted by Oscar Canton Zetina, the state government representative in Mexico City. On April 23, the brother of a commander of the Judicial Police of Morelia state beat up journalist Mario Barajas. On April 27, traffic police held the journalist Jesus Fuentes Felix, of Culiacan, Sinaloa, in a clandestine cell and threatened him. On May 4, Francisco Guerrero, a Culiacan photographer, was attacked by three police agents as he took pictures of an arrest. On June 6, Baja California journalists complained of aggression on the part of the state government of Ernesto Ruffo and by a part of the state congress. June 7, Alfredo Cordova Solorzano, Excelsior correspondent and editor of the newspaper Uno mas Dos of Tapachula, Chiapas,was shot and seriously wounded by three individuals. On June 12, Jose Hernandez of La Opini6n of Rio Bravo, Tamaulipas, was beaten by the commander of the state Judicial Police. On June 27, the Journalistic Forum of Guaymas, Sonora, complained of aggression and threats to journalist Enrique Larios Heredia by district attorney agent Sergio Rosas Lopez. On July 30, press photographer Ricardo Martinez of El Diawas detained for an hour while working in Mexico City. On August 15, radio announcer Francisco Bautista of Michoacan, was threatened with death by a city official, Damian Barbosa Chavez.
