19 November 2012

International Day To End Impunity: Nov 23rd - Case of Rayma Suprani (Cartoonist, Venezuela)

Venezuelan journalist-turned-political cartoonist Rayma Suprani became the target of criticism and threats from state-run media and supporters of President Hugo Chávez for a cartoon published in the Venezuelan daily El Universal earlier this year, in which she highlights Venezuela"s poverty crisis.
Venezuelan journalist-turned-political cartoonist Rayma Suprani became the target of criticism and threats from state-run media and supporters of President Hugo Chávez for a cartoon published in the Venezuelan daily El Universal earlier this year, in which she highlights Venezuela"s poverty crisis. The cartoon, which depicts a man inside a dog house with an empty dish in front of him and a caption reading, "What housing?" was a critique of what Suprani believes is a failed government initiative. Pro-Chávez political pundit Mario Silva discussed the cartoon on his TV show La Hojilla, calling it a mocking insult to Venezuelans from a "racist and classist cartoonist." Silva"s comments triggered a response from enraged Chávez supporters who took to social media, using the hashtag #RaymaApatrida ("unpatriotic Rayma") on Twitter to post threats and insults – some calling her a "graphic terrorist", others even threatening her with death. Suprani made a formal complaint before the district attorney"s office against the TV show. But it still hasn"t been investigated. "The government doesn"t murder openly, but it has a political reach that protects those responsible from facing justice," she says. Suprani continues to use her drawings to criticise poverty, military politics and the lack of social justice and free expression in Venezuela, where drawing Chávez"s face could lead to 30 months in jail. Although Rayma doesn"t draw his face, she continues to portray Chávez in many ways, "always emphasising him as a powerful force that crushes the weak." Stand with Rayma Suprani and defend free expression. http://daytoendimpunity.org/calendar/?action=19 A special thank you to the Cartoonists Rights Network International for contributing to this action. http://daytoendimpunity.org/calendar/?action=19
