18 January 2011
The danger of being a journalist
The Telemundo television channels program Al Rojo Vivo (Red-Hot) on January 13 broadcast a report on the danger of being a journalist, in which the obstacles and risks news men and women have to face in many countries in the Americas are described.
The Telemundo television channels program Al Rojo Vivo (Red-Hot) on January 13 broadcast a report on the danger of being a journalist, in which the obstacles and risks news men and women have to face in many countries in the Americas are described.
The four-minute piece also mentions the campaigns and activities of the Inter American Press Association in combating impunity surrounding crimes against journalists. Reporter Mary Gamarra interviewed the Impunity Projects director, Ricardo Trotti, at the IAPAs Miami headquarters.
To see the video, go to http://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/el-peligro-de-ser-periodista/xoapzuak?fg=ESUS_Telemundo_Network_NEW%20VIDEO%20HUB%20SEPT%202010&src=CPSmall:shareBar:email