28 November 2010

Police arrest Tim Lopes’ killer in raid on Rio de Janeiro shantytown

Police forces who carried out a raid on the Complexo do Alemão shantytown in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on Sunday (November 28) arrested one of the murderers of TV Globo reporter Tim Lopes, Elizeu Felício de Souza, a.k.a. Zeu, who had been on the run.
Police forces who carried out a raid on the Complexo do Alemão shantytown in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on Sunday (November 28) arrested one of the murderers of TV Globo reporter Tim Lopes, Elizeu Felício de Souza, a.k.a. Zeu, who had been on the run. Zeu took part in the murder committed in 2002 and was a member of the Comando Vermelho (Red Commando) gang headed by Elías Maluco, a.k.a. El Loco (The Madman). According to the police Zeu, on the run since 2007, was found in a house in the slum district and ended up turning himself in. Investigations into Lopes’ murder showed that Zeu purchased the gasoline used to splash on and burn Lopes, who covered the police beat and had gone under cover into a shantytown to seek information about sexual exploitation of minors at local funk rock parties organized by drug traffickers. Zeu fled in 2007 after being granted open arrest – which allowed him to come and go from prison. Once after leaving the prison he never returned, having served only five of his 23-years term. http://noticias.uol.com.br/cotidiano/2010/11/28/policia-prende-assassino-de-jornalista-durante-acao-no-complexo-do-alemao.jhtm?action=print
