04 July 1969


Miguel Frankenfeld Chile
Michele Montas Haiti
Beatriz Cáceres Peru
Lynne T. Carrier USA
María G. de Colmenares Colombia
María C. de Roncoroni Argentina
Alfredo García Uruguay
Marmaduke G. Lambert Guyana
Luiz G. Motta Brazil
Bruce Handler USA
Jose S. Da Fonseca Brazil
  Testimony of Scholarship Winners    

A Chilean, Frankenfeld began as a reporter for Las Ultimas Noticias in Santiago. He attended Columbia University on his scholarship. He was editor of the OAS Media Unit in Washington DC, where he was responsible for press releases and in-depth articles on the organization. He passed away some years ago.

Of Peru, she studied at the University of Iowa. After she worked as a freelance journalist in Venezuela, writing in both English and Spanish. She wrote: “The scholarship provided me with insights of other people and places, thus broadning my understanding and appreciation of them. It was an experience I wish everybody could have”.

Of Patos de Minas, Brazil, he spent his year at the University of Kansas, Lawrence. He went editor and commentator on international news of Folha da Manha, of Porto Alegre, as well as political science professor at the Catholic University. He wrote: “Apart from training, the scholarship greatly facilitated my progress in journalism”.

Bruce Handler after completing his year of studies joined the AP in Sao Paulo, Brazil. In 1976 he won an IAPA-Tom Wallace Award as a Newsweek correspondent. After, again with the AP, he was Chief of Bureau for Brazil.
