04 July 1972


Helga I. Serrano Puerto Rico
Hernando de J. Ramírez S. J. Colombia
Juan Tamayo Cuba
Jeffrey Radford USA
John Adam Moreau USA
Fernando Cantú Mexico
Fernando Pereira Brazil
Roberto Quiroga Chile
Teresa Halliday Levy Brazil
María Cristina Gomez Brazil
  Testimony of Scholarship Winners    

Of Puerto Rico, studied at the University of Mexico. She went city editor of El Mundo, San Juan. “The scholarship,” she said, “helped me to make contact with the different styles, techniques and attitudes of a foreign press, thus providing me with a point of reference that otherwise I would have missed.

She was cultural affairs advisor of the U.S. International Communications Agency in Recife, Brazil. She directs planning and follow-up of lectures, exhibits, seminars to target audiences in several areas. She  also freelances for Recife’s Diario de Pernambuco. She said her year at the University of Wisconsin “contributed to my career by granting me access to top rate academic life as well as enhancing my abilities and experience in inter-cultural communication. My current job may be a direct consequence of such training”.

She became editor of the international page of Jornal do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, following her year of study at Columhia University. Later she was director of the press office of Telecommunications of Rio de Janeiro. She says she is sure both jobs were made possible because of her studies at Columbia.

He was the Acting Latin American News Editor for UPI in New York. He said he learned more about Latin America in his nine months in Argentina than in four years of college.
