My dear friends,
As we close the extraordinary and turbulent year of 2016 where we saw agonizing conflicts, mesmerizing political shifts, and heartbreaking abuse to dear colleagues. We've also witnessed disruptive new technologies affect our businesses in new and challenging ways.
However, my study of history requires me to be optimistic. I've observed that humanity at times bends to tyranny and succumbs to baser instincts, but far more often people choose goodness, self-governance, self-sacrifice, and nobility. I'm grateful for the remarkable work you and your organizations do to make the world a better place.
You continue to be the courageous carriers and defenders of the light of liberty in your communities and nations. As 2017 emerges my hope is that we each recommit ourselves to the vital mission of freedom of expression.
My hope is that we will have even more courage to defend the most fundamental human freedoms, to make changes necessary in our businesses, and to deepen our connections with our community, holding high the light of liberty for society.
I sincerely hope that the message of this Christmas Season -- of peace, love, joy, forgiveness, service and kindness -- permeate and strengthen your hearts, your homes, and your families. This is a particularly special time of year when we renew our commitment to those people and effort that matter so much to us. I am committing to be a better husband, father, and professional, and to improve my service to you, my colleagues and friends.
May 2017 be a safe, prosperous and joyful year for each of you.
With warmest personal regards,
Matthew Sanders
President, IAPA