[toggle title="Institutional Diversity"]The Council recognizes that each of journalism and communication program has a particular mission. In addition to implementing the 11 accreditation standards, the Council calls for the programs as these have established goals. Programs must meet minimum standards established by the Council and try to prepare students to function professionally in journalism.
The Council requests that the journalism program:
1) Clearly establish educational goals and philosophy.
2) Demonstrate how to leverage their resources and curriculum to achieve these objectives and to implement that philosophy.
The evaluation team will review the statements made in the self-study program, according to the team's observations of what actually occurs in the program. The Council expects to find consistency between the statements in the self and what is actually being offered. If an evaluation team found inconsistencies between what the academic unit reports about herself and what happens in reality, the team's report mention these inconsistencies.[/toggle]
[toggle title="The Role of Professional Journalists"]The Council recognizes that although the academic community controls academic policies and programs, the accreditation process provides a means by which professional journalists have the opportunity to evaluate journalism education. Accreditation is a way to enhance their participation in the formulation of educational standards.[/toggle]
[toggle title="Eligibility for Accreditation"]The Council accredits institutions offering professional programs to prepare students for careers in journalism and communication. The Council only has jurisdiction over these professional programs. The unit may be a college, school or department offering professional education in journalism and communication.[/toggle]
[toggle title="Conflict of Interest"]This policy applies to the entire accreditation process, from the selection of reviewers teams until the final deliberations of the Council. Should take all necessary measures to ensure that all participants in the process develop and express objective opinions and make decisions free of self-interest and personal judgments. It is essential that the accreditation process there is no kind of conflict of interest.
The primary responsibility for determining potential conflicts of interest is found in every participant of the accreditation process. Participants who question whether they have a conflict of interest should consult the Chairman of the Board.
People who have conflicts of interest include, but are not limited to:
a) Graduates of the program under review. b) Former employees of the university; c) Those who have some connection or link to the program that can become a cause of conflict of interest.[/toggle]
[toggle title="Appeals Process"]
In March, President of the Council shall appoint a board of three persons to meet the accreditation appeals. The Appeals Committee consists of two educators in journalism and a professional journalist. No one can be a member of the Board or the evaluation team that visited the program to start the appeal.
No one who has a conflict of interest may be on the committee. When the Council decides to professional accreditation or deny altogether, the Chairman informed him by letter to the chief administrator and the administrator of the journalism program of the university and explains the reasons for the Council's actions. This letter explains the appeal process available to the university.
If the President of the University decides to appeal the decision, you must do so in writing within 30 days of notification of the accreditation decision, and addressed to the Chairman of the Board. Appeals of accreditation decisions should be based on one or on both grounds: 1) Evidence that the Council did not adhere to the procedures adopted, 2) evidence that, based on the report to the Council, the decision was arbitrary and capricious and unsupported by substantial evidence. Appeals must be in writing and must be based on concrete evidence exists in the report to the Council at the time of the original decision.
Within 30 days after receiving a statement of appeal, the President of the Council sent to each of the members of the Appeals Committee a copy of the declaration. The chairman of the Appeals Committee shall notify the members of the evaluation team, sending them a copy of the statement of appeal. Team members respond to the statement of the appeal in writing within fifteen days and addressed to the Chairman of the committee, who shall send copies of the team's response to each committee member.
The Appeals Committee will meet at some point before the next regularly scheduled Board meeting. It shall notify the principal administrative officers of the university conducting the appeal and the President of the survey team about the place, date and time of the meeting. They can attend the meeting, present oral and written arguments, and receive questions Appeals Committee. The institution has the right to be represented by an expert advisor for any appeal procedure.
Generally, the Appeal Committee will base its decision on written documents, but at its discretion may consider points made in the written and oral presentations. The President writes a summary of the Committee's recommendation to the Board of Appeals. Board members should receive the recommendations of the Appeals Committee and the written summary of the President before the night before the Council meeting. The Chairman of the Appeals Committee presented the recommendation to the Board members.
Then, the Council considered the recommendation of the Appeals Committee and calls into exercise the responsibility to make the final decision on accreditation. The President of the Council shall notify by letter to the university president and administrator of journalism on the appeal decision and the reason for that decision.
For purposes of the appeal, the university will pay for all expenses it incurred.
While an appeal is pending and before the Council takes a decision on the appeal, there will be no change in the status of accredited program presented by the appeal.[/toggle]