12 March 2008

Missions October 2007 – March 2008

Information compiled as of March 12, 2008
Colombia, Bogotá (March 10, 2008) Impunity Project. Meeting with representatives of the Association of Colombian Newspapers (Andiarios) for joint planning of a future forum with the expected participation of judges and journalists from that country. For Andiarios, Nora Sanín, executive director; for the IAPA, Ricardo Trotti, press freedom director, Miami, Florida, and Diana Calderón, Rapid Response Unit (RRU), Bogotá, Colombia. Philippines, Manila (February 27-29, 2008) Southeast Asian Press Alliance and the Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility. Conference on Combating Impunity and the Defense of Press Freedom in the Philippines. For the IAPA, Gonzalo Marroquín, Prensa Libre, Guatemala City, Guatemala, and Ricardo Trotti, press freedom director, Miami, Florida. Mexico, Mexico City (December 10-11, 2007) Impunity Project. Meeting to plan the next judicial forum and follow up project activities in Mexico. Meetings with Sergio García Ramírez, president of the Inter-American Human Rights Court; Elvia Díaz de León, member of the Federal Judicial Council; Daniel Cabeza de Vaca, legal counsel to the Mexican Presidency; José Ramón Cossío, Mexican Supreme Court justice; Jaime Pontones, Daniel McCosh and Natalie Rayes, of the creative department of TV Azteca. For the IAPA, Juan Francisco Ealy Ortiz, El Universal, Mexico City, Mexico; Juan Francisco Ealy Jr., El Universal, Mexico City, Mexico; Raymundo Riva Palacio, El Universal, Mexico City, Mexico; Ignacio Ayala, El Universal, Mexico City, Mexico; María Idalia Gómez, Rapid Response Unit (RRU), Mexico City, Mexico, and Ricardo Trotti, press freedom director, Miami, Florida. Mexico, Mexico City (November 26-30, 2007) Inter-American Dialogue seminar. For the IAPA, Roberto Rock, Mexico City, Mexico. Colombia, Bogotá (November 26-27, 2007) Impunity Project. Follow-up to amicable agreement with the government of Colombia in the Nelson Carvajal case. For the IAPA, Enrique Santos Calderón, El Tiempo, Bogotá, Colombia; Diana Calderón, Rapid Response Unit (RRU), Bogotá, Colombia, and Ricardo Trotti, press freedom director, Miami, Florida. Argentina, Campo de Mayo, Buenos Aires (November 4-9, 2007) Impunity Project. Training in reporting under risk. CAECOPAZ. Taking part were 24 journalists from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru and Venezuela. For the IAPA, Ricardo Trotti, press freedom director, Miami, Florida.
