05 July 2011


Taylor Katelyn Barnes USA
César Noriega Venezuela
Mónica Quesada Costa Rica
  Profiles of Scholarship Winners    

The IAPA Scholarship has been an immense privilege that has deeply impacted both my professional and personal life. Since arriving here to report on the the high-stakes 2010 presidential elections, I have met with historians who detailed for me why they accused the National Archives of politically motivated censorship during it; I have crouched on a dirty rooftop along with City of God residents to watch US President Barack Obama’s measured steps around the emblematic favela.

I have walked to the top of a quiet potholed hill hours from the city to meet families in extreme poverty targeted by a new government welfare program.

I have had the good fortune to not only meet but also build deep relationships with diverse actors across Rio de Janeiro society.

The IAPA has been the key to allowing me to start a new life as a reporter in this dynamic city. The care I can put into reporting with the scholarship’s generosity means that I can take on less apparent and more original stories that simply require more time. As I take stock nearly a year into the scholarship, it’s hard to realize it has been only that short amount of time. The year has been so rich in experiences that I now have a stake in and dedication to covering the happenings of Brazil. I thank the IAPA for allowing me such a special time in a place that I now feel a part of.

Scholarship winner 2010, he began his studies in September, 2011. Venezuelan journalist. He is studying for his Master’s degree in Spanish Language Journalism Multimedia at Florida International University (FIU), Miami.


Scholarship winner 2010, she began her studies in September, 2011. Costa Rican news photographer. She is working on a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism with a specialization in photojournalism. San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California.

