Place of birth: Tambaú, São Paulo state
Age at death: 37
Marital status: He was living with Katia Rosa Camargo, with whom he had two children
Profession/title: Stringer for Jornal do Porto and Radio Porto FM in Porto Ferreira and for Jornal JC Regional in Pirassunungta, São Paulo state
Other activities: Before working as a journalists he was a welder, he cared for dogs and as a collection agent. Beginning in 2001 he was a partner in the newspaper Realidade, which circulated in Porto Ferreira, and remained with the paper until its closure in 2004.
In 2003 he denounced in the newspaper a scandal of sexual exploitation of teenagers that involved city council members, merchants and businessmen in Port Ferreira. The case had national repercussion and he was nominated for the Esso Journalism Prize.
In recent times he sold advertising for the newspaper and the radio station in exchange for editorial space. He had planned to run again for the city council. He had previously run in the 2004 elections on the Green Party ticket, but he had obtained only 80 votes and was not elected.
On Sundays he worked at the Municipal Fair (a kind of public market), sweeping up and helping to clean the food stalls. He gathered up the fruit and vegetables that were going to be thrown in the garbage to distribute them to his family members and neighbors.
Place of birth: Tambaú, São Paulo state
Age at death: 37
Marital status: He was living with Katia Rosa Camargo, with whom he had two children
Profession/title: Stringer for Jornal do Porto and Radio Porto FM in Porto Ferreira and for Jornal JC Regional in Pirassunungta, São Paulo state
Other activities: Before working as a journalists he was a welder, he cared for dogs and as a collection agent. Beginning in 2001 he was a partner in the newspaper Realidade, which circulated in Porto Ferreira, and remained with the paper until its closure in 2004.
In 2003 he denounced in the newspaper a scandal of sexual exploitation of teenagers that involved city council members, merchants and businessmen in Port Ferreira. The case had national repercussion and he was nominated for the Esso Journalism Prize.
In recent times he sold advertising for the newspaper and the radio station in exchange for editorial space. He had planned to run again for the city council. He had previously run in the 2004 elections on the Green Party ticket, but he had obtained only 80 votes and was not elected.
On Sundays he worked at the Municipal Fair (a kind of public market), sweeping up and helping to clean the food stalls. He gathered up the fruit and vegetables that were going to be thrown in the garbage to distribute them to his family members and neighbors.
(March 21, 1970 – May 5, 2007)
Place and circumstances of death: He was murdered on the night of May 5, 2007 while in the Bar das Araras tavern, next to the Porto Ferreira, São Paul state, bus terminal. Barbon Filho was chatting with the owner of the bar at a sidewalk table. Around 9:00 p.m. the owner went to answer the telephone. At that moment, two person on a motorcycle appeared. One of them fired a caliber 12 weapon; one of the shots hit Barbon Filho in the side, another hit him in the leg. He was taken to hospital, but died from his wounds. The killers wore helmets and dark clothing and fled on the motorcycle.
Probable cause: Denunciations made on Radio Porto FM and in a column in the newspaper Jornal do Porto of local police officers and city council members and wrongdoing in the municipal; administration.
Suspects: As he was a controversial journalist and had a number of enemies due to his allegations, there are various suspects. For this reason police investigations are being conducted under seal by the team from the regional police precinct in San Carlos, a neighboring city.
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Barbon: 5 são responsáveis por crime, diz MP
Filed charges against five persons suspected in the murder of Barbon Filho
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Judicial Proceedings