WHEREAS the Mechanism has saved dozens of reporters' lives by providing them with personal protection in their places of origin or removing them from their cities where they are in danger WHEREAS they have created two local mechanisms, 12 State Protection Units (UEP) and there is a web link to receive the requests of assistance in 15 states WHEREAS the Mechanism has not had sufficient financial, human and technical resources to operate, which was evidenced by the Superior Audit of the Federation, which warned that by the end of 2019, the Mechanism was expected to be protecting 1,131 people and that the associated expense would be 325 millions pesos, although the assigned budget was only 207.6 million of pesos, an amount less than in previous years WHEREAS the creation of 28 state offices linked to the Mechanism has been an administrative action, since they do not have enough staff neither the financial resources nor the political will from the state governments; and there is also no good coordination with the federal agency WHEREAS the Mechanism does not have adequate coordination with institutions capable of preparing risk assessments such as the National Guard, the armed forces, and state police WHEREAS the lack of coordination and active participation of other institutions such as the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic, Attention to Victims, the National Guard, local governments and the National Commission on Human Rights leaves journalists at risk without comprehensive protection, because nothing is investigated or anyone is punished WHEREAS the staff of the Mechanism does not have the experience to contract the security services, it offers, such as panic buttons, cell phones and security escorts CONSIDERING that if the insecurity trend continues, the Mechanism would need close to one billion pesos in four years, according to the Audit's projections, estimating for 2024 an increase of 3,400 people at risk who should be under protection WHEREAS Principle 4 of the Declaration of Chapultepec states: "Murder, terrorism, kidnapping, pressure, intimidation, unjust imprisonment of journalists, material destruction of the media, violence of any kind and the impunity of the aggressors severely curtails freedom of expression and of the press. These acts must be promptly investigated and severely punished." The IAPA midyear meeting resolves To express appreciation to the government for having the Mechanism for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders and Journalists, which has been in some way efficient to protect journalists To request the Executive and Legislative powers to grant greater financial and professional resources to the Mechanism and to stimulate its work in coordination with all national and state entities to protect journalists To urge the National Government to promote the creation of the Mechanism in all states of the Republic and thus create a national protection network for journalists.
WHEREAS the Mechanism for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders and Journalists was created in 2012 and currently provides protection to more than a thousand people
29 March 2020
Impunity Mexico
Resolution presented to the IAPA Mid-year Meeting 2020