Sustainability of Journalism

Resolution presented to the IAPA
WHEREAS, the sustainability of journalism during and in the wake of the pandemic is a responsibility for democracies in the Americas - as reaffirmed on July 10 in the "Open Letter of the Inter-American Press Association"

WHEREAS, modern societies recognize freedom of the press and the work of the journalistic media as fundamental pillars for democracy, respect for human rights, the containment of authoritarian forces, and the exercise of a thorough and well-informed citizenry

WHEREAS, the IAPA's founding principle is to defend these pillars, which need to be embodied in journalistic organizations that operate with sustainability and autonomy

WHEREAS, in the last decade, changes in technology - while increasing the reach of journalistic media - have generated enormous economic disparities through the global digital platforms, putting under enormous pressure the financial viability of the media

WHEREAS, the absence of a clear and universally sustainable economic model jeopardizes the role of the news media as providers of reliable and quality information - versus global technological platforms where disinformation and false news can proliferate

WHEREAS, this situation has become even more critical with the Covid-19 pandemic that dramatically affected the revenues and working capital of the news media

WHEREAS, despite the profound economic difficulties posed by the health crisis, the media - considered an essential industry - has intensified its efforts, facilitating the essential interface between governments and citizens who need reliable information

WHEREAS, the growing importance of reliable information generated through journalistic means conflicts with the economic crisis paradigm, and the newspaper industry is currently navigating a perfect storm - which represents an immediate threat to the survival of journalism in democracy

WHEREAS, many developed countries - especially in the European Union - have begun to address this critical global problem through transparency in public policies that are non-discriminatory and respectful of the editorial independence of the media - the result of which will strengthen the sustainability of journalism

WHEREAS, the first principle of the Chapultepec Declaration states that: "There are no free people or societies without freedom of speech and press. The exercise of these freedoms is not granted by authorities; it is an inalienable right of the people."


To reiterate to the democratic governments of the Western Hemisphere the strategic importance of this issue and urge them to advance, debate and adopt public policies that guarantee the survival of journalism in democracy

To ensure the viability and permanence of independent journalism and professional media, essential for free and democratic nations in times of crisis and emergency.
