WHEREAS, the Constitution of Bolivia, in Article 106, paragraph 3, guarantees press workers freedom of expression, and the right to communication and information
WHEREAS, the March 1994 Chapultepec Declaration adopts as principle that murder, terrorism, kidnapping, coercion, intimidation, unjust imprisonment of journalists, physical destruction of the media, violence of any kind, and impunity of perpetrators severely restrict freedom of expression and of the press
WHEREAS, the Declaration of Principles on Freedom of Expression of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) states that prior censorship, interference, or direct or indirect coercion of any expression, opinion, or information disseminated through any means of oral, written, artistic, visual, or electronic communication shall be prohibited by law
To ask the government to respect the journalistic work of the newspapers La Razón and Extra, and to contribute to the generation of public opinion on the subject with absolute transparency and truthfulness, in order to avoid the continuous smear campaigns against both media
To demand that the sectors mobilized against the government's emergency health policies respect the work of journalists and the media, and that legal authorities conduct serious investigations against those responsible for aggressions that put the lives of communicators at risk
To demand from political parties campaigning for the upcoming general elections respect for the work of journalists, and the obligation to issue instructions to their supporters to report on constitutional rights, and freedom of the press, expression and opinion.