For a fair, reasonable, universal and equitable remuneration


78th General Assembly

October 27 – 30, 2022

Madrid, Spain


WHEREAS, the fight now being waged by the IAPA for fair, reasonable, universal and equitable remuneration has its origin in Principle 12 of the Salta Declaration of 2018 - which even precedes the European Commission's directive on copyright of 2019

WHEREAS, in September 2021, the IAPA - with around twenty other organizations - promulgated an international request calling on digital platforms to remunerate media enterprises for the use of content

WHEREAS, IAPA maintains that besides the economic crisis worsened by the pandemic, the biggest problem facing our industry has to do with the migration of advertising revenues absorbed by the large digital platforms

WHEREAS, the UNESCO Windhoek X 30 Declaration states that economic sustainability is a key prerequisite for media independence and calls on digital companies to support the media through inclusive partnership agreements and financial measures

WHEREAS, in September of this year, the European Parliament passed the European Media Freedom Act that calls on its 27 member nations to strengthen the editorial freedom of the media and protect them from unjustified, inappropriate and discriminatory member nation measures

WHEREAS, the sustainability of journalism as a public good and an asset to the democratic state is a responsibility that governments cannot evade - especially in the face of the advance of information deserts in several countries of the American continent

WHEREAS, the IAPA values the contributions made by Google and Meta for the training of managers and staff of journalistic enterprises, as well as the advances, agility and penetration offered by social networks and Internet search engines, but also sees with concern how these companies absorb a good part of the audience and income of the media and compete on terms that leave media at a disadvantage - which has caused our businesses to decline quickly and intensely

WHEREAS, Google - through the launching in some countries of products such as Showcase and Webstories - shares with the media some content-generated revenues

WHEREAS, IAPA prefers to have frank and open negotiations with Google and the social networks - rather than considering the legal route


To continue the negotiation process with the digital platforms - so that the media may advance in their aspiration to obtain fair, reasonable, universal and equitable remuneration.

To call upon other digital platforms - besides Google - to continue their support of the media and the IAPA principles - as well as their revenue-sharing programs through initiatives such as Showcase and Webstories.
