IAPA Honored by Entry of 12 National Press Associations

Twenty-three new members joined the organization.

Miami (July 7, 2023) - The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) has opened its doors to national press associations to continue to confront with greater vigor the problems of institutional weakness and press freedom suffered by several countries and to combat the sustainability challenges facing the news industry.

Recently, the IAPA Board of Directors approved the incorporation of 23 new members, including 12 media organizations from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Chile, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, and the United States, representing more than 3,000 media outlets in the Western Hemisphere. Seven native digital media, two daily newspapers, one radio station, and one independent journalist were also admitted.

IAPA President Michael Greenspon greeted the new associates. "We are proud and honored that these important associations agreed that together and united, we can find solutions to the sustainability and free speech issues that plague each of the communities we serve." Greenspon, Global Head of Licensing & Print Innovation for The New York Times, added: "We have been working with these organizations for decades, but from now on, we will be able to do so more strategically and organically."

The national associations that joined IAPA's membership are Association of Argentine Journalistic Entities (ADEPA), Argentina; National Press Association (ANP), Bolivia; National Association of Newspapers (ANJ), Brazil; News Media Canada (NMC), Canada; Information Media Association (AMI), Colombia; National Press Association (ANP), Chile; News Media Alliance (NMA), United States; Honduran Media Association (AMC), Honduras; Media Alliance Mx, Mexico; Mexican Publishers Association (AME), Mexico; Peruvian Press Council (CPP), Peru, and Dominican Society of Newspapers (SDD), Dominican Republic.

The president of the Membership Committee, Silvia Miró Quesada, of El Comercio, Lima, Peru, emphasized: "The confidence in our organization on the part of the new members, media, associations, and journalists obliges us to redouble our efforts in favor of freedom of the press as a fundamental value to defend to sustain democracy."

The new active members of the IAPA are El Popular SA, Argentina; The Latin Vox, Canada; RoseMaryNews.com and Americano Media, United States; Le Nouvelliste, Haiti; Hondudiario.com, Honduras; El Independiente and Expreso, Mexico; La Circular, Dominican Republic; Radio Libertad FM 94, Uruguay and The El News.com, Venezuela. Journalist María de la Luz Zárate Rayo, from Mexico, was also admitted as an individual member.

IAPA is a non-profit organization dedicated to defending and promoting freedom of the press and expression in the Americas. It comprises more than 1,300 publications from the western hemisphere; and is based in Miami, Florida, United States.
