Miami (November 16, 2023) - The Inter American Press Society (SIP) emphasized "the need for a comprehensive approach in the fight against disinformation, involving governments, the media, technological platforms and society as a whole." The conclusion arose from the resolution "Global Summit on Disinformation," approved during its 79th General Assembly in Mexico.
The resolution states that "disinformation is a global phenomenon that conspires against democratic societies by undermining the debate of ideas and the search for consensus, and by tarnishing electoral processes." It adds that "media companies should incorporate and consolidate methodologies that allow them to create quality content and raise the credibility indicators of news stories," and that "stakeholders need to look closely at and evaluate the impact of AI on journalism."
Grounded in the conclusions of the III Global Summit on Disinformation, held on September 27 and 28 and jointly organized by IAPA, Proyecto Desconfío of Argentina, and the Fundación para el Periodismo from Bolivia, the resolution urges " governments to discourage practices that encourage the circulation of lies and deception " and to monitor, report and sanction defamation campaigns against media and journalists by governments.
It also calls on governments and multilateral organizations to commit to the transparency of public affairs and the defense of the right to access reliable information. Furthermore, it urges major technological platforms to implement effective actions to curb the circulation of false or misleading content, hate speech, and conspiracy theories.
IAPA is a non-profit organization dedicated to defending and promoting freedom of the press and expression in the Americas. It comprises more than 1,300 publications from the western hemisphere and is based in Miami, Florida, United States.