30 November 2012

Media Campaign


One of the strengths of the Impunity Project is to conduct education campaigns that allow, through advertisements in the media, raising awareness in the general public and it will join the petition to demand justice and warranty claims for press freedom and freedom of expression.

ANUNCIOS IMPRESOS Página Completa (color) Media página (color) Un cuarto de página (color) Página Completa (B/N) Media página (B/N) Un cuarto de página (B/N) BANNERS WEB Banner Flash 468x60 Banner Flash 234x60 Banner Flash 120x240 Banner Flash 125x125 Banner Flash 120x60 TV SPOTS 01-alto-impunidad 02-actue-ahora 03-escoba-chico 04-llantas 06-pies 07-viento 08-archivado-chico RADIO SPOTS Caso Carbajal Caso Coutino Da Silva Caso Felix Miranda Caso Jaime Garzon Caso Jose Carlos Mesquita Caso Ronaldo Santana de Araujo
