in July of 1997, Benjamín Flores González, editor of La Prensa of San Luis Río Colorado (Sonora) was murdered and after nine years three arrest warrants have not been enforced and the alleged mastermind, Gabriel González Gutiérrez, who was tried just five months ago, may be acquitted because of the weakness of the charges which in previous years has made it possible for others to be released
the two people convicted for the murder of journalist Philip True, correspondent of The San Antonio Express-News in Mexico in 1998 have not been apprehended
José Ramírez Puente, journalist of Radio Net of Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua, was murdered in April 2000 and the federal attorney generals office (PGR) has not arrested those responsible and the new special prosecutors office to investigate crimes against journalists of the PGR has not reviewed the case
José Luis Ortega Mata, editor of Seminario de Ojinaga, Chihuahua, was murdered in February, 2001 and the state attorney generals office has shelved the case without arresting any of those responsible in the past five years
photographer Jaime Arturo Olvera Bravo was murdered on March 9, 2006 in the city of La Piedad, Michoacán, and the investigation by the state prosecutors office have had not results so far
Roberto Javier Mora García, editorial page editor of El Mañana of Nuevo Laredo (Tamaulipas) was murdered in March 2004 and there are still questions about the motive given the inconsistency and contradictions in the file put together by the Tamaulipas state prosecutors office
columnist Leodegario Aguilera Lucas was kidnapped in May of 2004 in the city of Acapulco (Guerrero) and the investigation by the state prosecutors office is bogged down
journalist Francisco Arratia Saldierna was murdered in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, in August of 2004 and so far only one of the accomplices has been detained and the rest are at large and the state prosecutors office has shown no progress in the investigation
Gregorio Rodríguez Hernández, a photographer for the daily El Debate of Mazatlán was murdered in November of 2004 in Escuinapa, Sinaloa, and so far seven people have been detained, two of whom may be acquitted because they did not participate in the crime, one of the most important responsible parties, the former police chief of Escuinapa, Abel Enríquez Zavala won a court decision and may be acquitted because of a faulty case file and the state prosecutors office still has to request the arrest of another suspect
Alfredo Jiménez Mota, a reporter for the newspaper El Imparcial of Sonora, disappeared 17 months ago, on April 2, 2005, and the PGR has not yet provided any results and the prosecutor assigned to the case is not in his office in Hermosillo
Guadalupe García Escamilla, host of the call-in program Punto Rojo of radio station XHNOE-91 of Nuevo Laredo (Tamaulipas) was murdered in April 2005 and the PGR still has not named the responsible parties nor has it reported any progress in the investigations abut the motive
Raúl Gibb Guerrero, editor of the newspaper La Opinión of Poza Rica, Veracruz, was murdered in April of 2005 and no one has been arrested and the motive is not known
radio announcer Benjamín Fernández González survived an attack in Loma Bonita, Oaxaca, on November 6, 2005, and the Oaxaca prosecutors office has not charged or detained anyone
Principle 4 of the Declaration of Chapultepec says Freedom of expression and of the press are severely limited by murder, terrorism, kidnapping, pressure, intimidation, the unjust imprisonment of journalists, the destruction of facilities, violence of any kind and impunity for perpetrators. Such acts must be investigated promptly and punished harshly
to demand that the Sonora state prosecutors office review the file on the homicide of Benjamín Flores González, editor of La Prensa of San Luis Río Colorado, locate all those responsible and obtain a conviction of Gabriel González Gutiérrez and reiterate to the special prosecutors office to investigate crimes against journalists of the PGR that it review and take on the case
to strongly request that the Mexican government enforce the arrest warrants against the two murderers of journalist Philip True
to exhort for the second time that the PGR special prosecutors office to investigate crimes against journalists dig deeper into the file on the homicide of journalist José Ramírez Puente and put all the responsible parties on trial
to remind the Chihuahua state prosecutors office once again that it has not solved the homicide of journalist José Luis Ortega Mata and demand that it detain those responsible and urge the PGR special prosecutors office to investigate crimes against journalists to accept the case
to demand that the Michoacán state prosecutors office solve the homicide of photographer and editor Jaime Arturo Olvera Bravo, put those responsible on trial and make a public report on the motives for the crime, and urge the PGR special prosecutors office to investigate crimes against journalists to review the case and determine if there are reasons to transfer it to federal jurisdiction
to reiterate to the Tamaulipas state prosecutors office that it intensify the investigation of the homicide of Roberto Javier Mora García, editorial page editor of El Mañana of Nuevo Laredo and make a clear and convincing public report about the results and to demand that the PGR special prosecutors office to investigate crimes against journalists accept the case given the inconsistency and contradictions in the investigations
to reiterate to the Guerrero state prosecutors office that it conclude the investigation of the disappearance of journalist Leodegario Aguilera Lucas, find him, try those responsible and make a report on the reasons for his disappearance
to ask the Tamaulipas prosecutors office to transfer jurisdiction to the PGR so that the investigation of the homicide of Francisco Arratia Saldierna can move forward and all those responsible can be put on trial and to ask the PGR to take over the file completely because of the lack of confidence in state authorities and the slowness of the results
to urge the Sinaloa state prosecutors office to strengthen the investigation of the crime against photographer Gregorio Rodríguez Hernández so that all those involved will be arrested and none of the guilty parties be released
to urge the PGR to provide concrete and clear results about the disappearance of Alfredo Jiménez Mota and put the responsible parties on trial
to demand that the PGR solve the homicide of reporter Guadalupe García Escamilla, detain those responsible, put them on trial and make a report about the motives of the murder
to demand that the PGR detain those responsible for the crime against Raúl Gibb Guerrero, editor of the newspaper La Opinión of Poza Rica, and clearly report on the motive of the crime
to insist that the special prosecutors office to investigate crimes against journalists take over the case of the attack on journalist Benjamín Fernández González and detain those responsible.
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