WHEREAS the federal Congress approved a constitutional amendment concerning elections that has various measures with broad impact on the country’s political and social life and that has caused a strong controversy both within Mexico and among foreign groups interested in the subject WHEREAS different actors in the Mexican media have formally asked the Inter American Press Association to make a statement on this subject, saying that it could have adverse effects on press freedom WHEREAS IAPA considers two aspects of the amendment ambiguous, specifically referring to the possible cutting off of broadcast signals of messages that might be against the amendment (but that should not in any way affect all of the station’s transmissions) and with respect to the prohibition that candidates’ campaigns and advertising contain “libelous” expression (which if it does not make its scope clear could damage press freedom and citizens’ right to be informed) WHEREAS that part of the reform that prohibits persons or public and private institutions from contracting or broadcasting messages on radio and television that seek to influence voters’ choices, or favor or are detrimental to any party or candidate in a popular election, is a limitation of freedom of expression WHEREAS the amendment is about to be decreed by the Executive Branch, once it is approved by most local legislatures, as provided for in the Constitution, and this promulgation will be followed by amendments to related election laws that regulate activities in this field WHEREAS Principle 6 of the Declaration of Chapultepec states, The media and journalists should neither be discriminated against nor favored because of what they write or say” THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE IAPA RESOLVES THE IAPA GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLVES to ask the National Congress to ensure that in the establishment of regulations governing the approved electoral reform any ambiguity that may exist in the constitutional amendment be removed, so that there may not be any shadow regarding freedom of expression in the practice of politics in Mexico, and that both this and respect for citizens to know may be duly defended by the legislature.
