United States

UNITED STATES WHEREAS more than six months have passed since the assassination in Queens, New York, of the highly respected Hispanic journalist Manuel de Dios Unanue there have been no arrests in this notorious case Susan Smallheer of the Rutland Daily Herald faces the possibility of jail and fines for not complying with an order to testify about interviews she conducted with a suspect in a murder case Tim Roche of the Stuart News, Florida, has been sentenced to 30 days in prison for refusing to reveal his sources a 30-day prison sentence has been appealed to the Supreme Court The 48TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE IAPA RESOLVES to call upon the mayor of New York, the Honorable David Dinkins, and the New York police chief to redouble their efforts to bring those responsible for this atrocious crime to justice to express solidarity with Ms. Smallheer and the Rutland Daily Herald to express its solidarity with Mr. Roche and the Stuart News.
