
COLOMBIA WHEREAS • two journalists, Francisco Santos and Maruja Pachón, were freed after being held captive for eight months and a group of other journalists were kidnapped in May and held for several days before being released • violence against journalists continues in Colombia, with 12 being murdered in the past six months • an environment hostile to the press because of its investigative role has been detected in certain political and parliamentary circles, an attitude reflected in the inclusion of restrictive provisions in the Constitution approved in July of this year, the implementation of which will depend on the new parliament to be elected October 27 THE 47th GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE IAPA RESOLVES • to strongly condemn attacks on and murder of Colombian journalists • to express its tul! solidarity with Colombian journalists and to recognize their courage as they continue their mission, which certainly puts their lives and freedom in jeopardy daily • to ask the Colombian government to take the strongest possible measures to put an end to this continuing threat to journalists and at the same time to express its appreciation for what the government has done up to now in this connection • to demonstrate the concern of the IAPA at inclusion of provisions in the new Constitution of Colombia that restrict press freedom and could become even more severe with enabling legislation that the new parliament due to be elected October 27 will be considering.
