23 April 2012
Leonel Fernández
H.E. Leonel Fernández President of the Dominican Republic The persons signing below, readers of newspapers throughout the Americas, are writing to you to earnestly beg your government to promptly comply with the ruling of the Inter-American Human Rights Court which requires reparations to be made in the case of the still unpunished crime committed against journalist Narciso González, Narcisazo, 18 years ago.
H.E. Leonel Fernández
President of the
Dominican Republic
The persons signing below, readers of newspapers throughout the Americas, are writing to you to earnestly beg your government to promptly comply with the ruling of the Inter-American Human Rights Court which requires reparations to be made in the case of the still unpunished crime committed against journalist Narciso González, Narcisazo, 18 years ago.
We trust that as soon as possible, and in accordance with the requirement of the above-mentioned Court, the case will be reopened, that a thorough investigation will be undertaken and reparations will be made to the victims family.
Esperamos que lo más pronto posible, y conforme lo dispuesto por la citada Corte, se reabra el caso judicial, sea ampliada la investigación exhaustiva y se otorgue una indemnización a los familiares de la víctima.