30 March 2016

Digital transformation strategies to be discussed in Punta Cana


MIAMI, Florida (March 30, 2016)—The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) will in a few days' time be initiating an attractive and relevant program of seminars and panel discussions on the digital transformation of news media during its Midyear Meeting in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.

Latin America is going through a remarkable time – each day there are inconceivable news, in line with the changes in the political spectrum of our countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Cuba). But also changing is the manner in which news media produce, present and distribute those news. There are occurring accelerated processes of digital transformation and appearing ways of relating to audiences, as well as new monetization resources. The Americas are boiling over with proposals, initiatives, applications and experiments.

The Punta Cana debates are a prelude to the program of the 2016 SipConnect Hemisphere Conference which will be held in Miami from June 29 to July 1 and where a group of international specialists will deal with the most pressing and current issues challenging the media.

Latin American, European and American panelists will be engaged in Punta Cana in several sessions and discussions on new developments, advances and challenges of the digital era. The issues to be dealt with on April 8 are: 1) Audiences and Digital Transformation, a discussion of the importance of the media knowing their audiences and analyzing their profiles with the correct tools which ensure greater engagement and recurrence of readers. 2) Technological Innovations and Extra-Informative Businesses. As is well known, the digital world is full of innovations, products and services that meet many of the needs of monetization. There come about business modalities without direct relationship to information, although they take as their basis the faithfulness of the audience. 3) Programmatic and Native Advertising For All. Programmatic purchase is not a fashion but a model of the future. It provides services of data planning and multiplatform management as added values for online advertising purchase strategies. The content of such advertising should be relevant, current and consistent with the news media outlet's editorial stance. 4) Social Networks and Millennials. The networks radically transform the way we live, work, consume objects and news, educate and entertain ourselves. For the Millenials these are the preferred vehicles to identify oneself, recognize oneself and communicate, from there the great expectations of the media and the need to connect with that young public.

On April 10 the discussion, in addition to on economic and social issues and the new political trends in the Americas there will be a special panel discussion on Alliances between Digital Companies and News Media: The Google and Facebook Strategies in Latin America. The alliances seek a journalism of high quality, through the most advanced technological contributions. Google and Facebook exhibit the most visible initiatives aimed at publishers to perfect the presentation, distribution and monetization of content. European media take advantage of the opportunities of distribution of content offered by Google, Apple and Facebook. Taking part will be Newton Neto, Google, São Paulo, Brazil; Luis Renato Olivalves, Facebook, Miami, Florida, and Ben Shaw, director of Global Advisory WAN-IFRA, France. The moderator will be Juan Luis Correa, La Estrella, Panama, IAPA vice president.

The IAPA Midyear Meeting, to take pace at the Westin Puntacana Resort & Club, in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, will attract more than 250 attendees April 8-11 with the objective of analyzing the state of press freedom in the region and the principal problems being faced by the news industry.

The IAPA is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the defense and promotion of freedom of the press and of expression in the Americas. It is made up of more than 1,300 print publications from throughout the Western Hemisphere and is based in Miami, Florida. For more information please go to http://www.sipiapa.org.

