WHEREAS, in January 2019, prosecutor Luiz da Silva Souza, from Bragança, in Pará, made a complaint against 11 people involved in the murder of radio journalist Jairo de Souza, among them, councilman Cesar Monteiro Gonçalves (PR), accused of be the intellectual author of the crime; the reason would be the dissatisfaction of several politicians due to the denunciations made; that Souza was killed when he climbed the access ladder to Rádio Pérola FM where he worked, on June 21, 2018
WHEREAS the psychological examinations carried out by the Medical Board of the Court of Justice of the State of Goiás to former Military Police (PM) Djalma Gomes da Silva -one of the five accused of planning and murdering the sports reporter Valério Luiz de Oliveira on July 5, 2012- they indicated that Silva simulated a mental illness and, therefore, can be tried for the crime; that the technical evaluation will be attached in March 2019 to the trial in which Urban de Carvalho Malta, Marcus Vinícius Pereira Xavier, Ademá Figueredo and Djalma da Silva are also accused; that everyone is waiting for the definition of the date to be judged by a Popular Jury
WHEREAS the murders of the radio journalists, bloggers, journalists and journalists investigated by the IAPA in the Impunity Project remain unpunished, among them Ivan Rocha, presenter of Rádio Alvorada AM of Teixeira de Freitas, who disappeared on April 22, 1991, fact never clarified; Reinaldo Coutinho da Silva, occurred on August 29, 1995, in São Gonçalo, Rio de Janeiro; Edgar Lopes de Faria, born on October 29, 1997 in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, and José Carlos Mesquita, occurred on March 10, 1998 in Ouro Preto del Oeste, Rondônia; as well as the murder of Luiz Otávio Monteiro occurred on December 29, 1988 in Manaus, Amazonas
WHEREAS, that on December 11, 2018, the "Human Rights Ministry (MDH) launched the" Aristeu Guida da Silva - International Standards for the Protection of Human Rights of Journalists and Other Communicators ", during the 3rd National Meeting of Teams Technicians of the Protection Program for Human Rights Defenders, Communicators and Environmentalists, in Brasilia; that the booklet was prepared by the International Affairs Office of the MDH in dialogue with the SIP, with the participation of the Legal Consultancy and National Ministry of Citizenship of the Ministry; that the publication complies with the recommendation of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) of the Organization of American States regarding the murder of the journalist Aristeu Guida da Silva, which occurred in the municipality of São Fidélis, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, in May of 1995
WHEREAS, the new trial against Marcone Rodrigues Sarmento, accused of participating in the murder of the journalist Manoel Leal de Oliveira, which occurred on January 14, 1998, in Itabuna, Bahia, had been scheduled for March 27, 2019, but was suspended ; that Sarmento was already brought before a trial in Itabuna on December 6, 2005, having been acquitted, but the process was annulled by the First Criminal Chamber of the Court of Justice of Bahia, after the unanimous provision of the Ministerial Appeal; that until March 28 the trial date had not been disclosed
WHEREAS, that the case concerning the murder of the journalist Manoel Leal de Oliveira was presented by the IAPA and accepted by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), which recommended to Brazil its reopening for the identification and punishment of the masterminds, which is not did
WHEREAS, the prosecutor Emmanuel Levenhagen Pelegrini, auxiliary member of the National Council of the Public Prosecutor before the National Strategy of Justice and Public Security, since January 2019 has joined the cases of Manoel Leal de Oliveira and Aristeu Guida da Silva, and is committed to work for the creation of a program to monitor cases of violence against communicators in the exercise of the profession
CONSIDERING that Bill 7107/2014, which adds paragraph to art. 1 of the Horrendous Crimes Act, Law No. 8.072, of July 25, 1990, classifying as horrendous the crime committed against the life, safety and physical integrity of the journalist and press professional in the exercise of their activity, as well as the Draft Law 191/2015, which amends Law 10,446, of May 8, 2002, to provide for the participation of the Federal Police in the investigation of crimes in which there is omission or inefficiency of the competent spheres and in crimes against journalism, await the designation of the Rapporteur in the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship Commission (CCJC)
WHEREAS, that principle 4 of the Declaration of Chapultepec states: "Murder, terrorism, kidnapping, pressure, intimidation, unjust imprisonment of journalists, material destruction of the media, violence of any kind and the impunity of the aggressors severely restricts the freedom of expression and of the press. These acts must be investigated promptly and punished with severity."
Request broad promotion of the "Aristeu Guida da Silva Book - International Standards for the Protection of Human Rights of Journalists and Other Communicators", since no other dissemination activity was carried out since its launch, murders and attacks against communicators continue to occur and in January 2019 there was a change of President of the Republic, governors, senators, federal and state deputies, so it would be important for the new leaders to take knowledge of their content, as well as communicators, institutions working with human rights and freedom of expression, and the population in general
Request that priority be given to the investigation and punishment of all those involved in the murders of communicators in the exercise of the profession that remain unsolved in Brazil, punishing not only the intermediaries but also the masterminds
Demand support for the prosecutor Emmanuel Levenhagen Pelegrini, auxiliary member of the National Council of the Public Prosecutor's Office before the National Strategy of Justice and Public Security, to accompany cases of violence and have access to documents and information on each case
Demand compliance with the recommendations made by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) in relation to the murder of the journalist Manoel Leal de Oliveira, from Itabuna, Bahia, which provides for the reopening of the case for identification and punishment of the intellectual author of the crime; as well as in the case of the journalist Aristeu Guida da Silva, murdered in São Fidélis, Rio de Janeiro
Request the accompaniment and support of the new trial of Marcone Rodrigues Sarmento, accused of the murder of Manoel Leal de Oliveira, guaranteeing transparency and justice
Request urgency in the voting and implementation of bills that provide for the punishment of crimes against communicators as horrific crimes and, in case of necessity, the federalization of crimes against communicators in the exercise of the profession.