Impunity in cases of aggression against journalists remains a pending issue.
It is a matter of concern that the Attorney General's Office and the justice system avoid dealing with alarming cases such as the kidnapping of six reporters who were covering land seizures in the department of Santa Cruz last October. Two people were arrested, but the investigation remains inconclusive due to changes in personnel responsible for collecting background information and the slow procedures for the arrest and prosecution of some 80 hooded individuals responsible for the kidnapping and torture.
The kidnapping took place in the town of Guarayos, during seven hours, and ended with a beating and the destruction of video recording equipment with gunfire. The government described the event as a simple incident - while those affected consider that their lives were at risk due to the degree of violence and threats.
Also unpunished is the attack - by riot police - and arrest of Página Siete journalist Carlos Quisbert on September 21, while he was covering a conflict involving coca leaf farmers.
On April 4, judicial authorities restricted independent press coverage of the trial of former president Jeanine Añez (2019-2020) and her collaborators. The journalists were kicked out of the virtual hearing.
The National Press Association (ANP) spoke out on February 6 in favor of the recovery of justice - affected by the lack of credibility and the failure to defend freedom of the press and expression.