CARIBBEAN WHEREAS the government of Antigua and Barbuda continues to manipulate public opinion and to harass newspapers, denying them access to public information the government of Antigua and Barbuda denied Radio Observer the right to broadcast, although the radio station has a license allowing it to do so the democratically elected government of the Turks & Caicos Islands continues to harass the Free Press newspaper, refusing to grant its editor a work permit, despite the decisions of the Appeals Court and the Supreme Court THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE IAPA RESOLVES to urge the governments of Antigua and Barbuda and of the Turks & Caicos Islands to stop their harassment of newspapers to urge the government of Antigua and Barbuda not to deny its right to broadcast, for which it has been granted a license to urge the same governments to grant their citizens complete guarantees of their right to receive unrestricted information from different news sources.
