the Inter American Press Association held its 52nd General Assembly in the city of Los Angeles, California the Host Committee, chaired by Richard T. Schlosberg I1I, Los Angeles Times/Times Mirror; and including Helen K. Copley, Copley Newspapers, Inc.; Robert C. Hardie, Freedom Communications, Inc.; David LawrenceJr., The Miami Herald; Ignacio E. Lozano Jr., La Opinión; andJames McClatchy, McClatchy Newspapers, provided a hospitable and inte11ectual environment with numerous courtesies conducive to professional and social activities Nobel Prize laureates Rigoberta Menchú, Oscar Arias, Gabriel García Márquez and Henry Kissinger; Jorge Castañeda; Bernard Kalb, Marvin Kalb; C. Shelby Coffey I1I, Walter R. Mears, Gary Blonston, Ron Brownstein; Gary Randazzo, Harry Chandler, Leon Levitt, J. Lynn Town, Ed Baron and J. Ann Selzer
provided insightful talks on matters of great interest to lAPA members IAPA President and Mrs. David Lawrence Jr. offered the welcoming reception the 52nd General Assembly received the generous support of the fo11owing persons and organizations
who sponsored hospitality receptions, dinners and events, and provided useful and informative video, book and other materials: Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror, La Opinión, Knight Ridder Newspapers, The Freedom Forum, Freedom Communications, Goss Graphic Systems, McClatchy Newspapers, Copley Newspapers, USA Today, Dow Jones, Central National-Gottesman, Inc., ABITIBI Price, Smurfit Newsprint Corporation; The Miami Herald, El Nuevo Herald; CBS-Telenoticias.
the 52nd General Assembly was by all accounts a resounding success for members, friends and supporters
that the president, officers, directors and members express their deepest gratitude and appreciation to all who have so generously contributed.