the Inter American Press Association held its 51st General Assembly in the city of Caracas, Venezuela the Host Committee, chaired by Jose Carta, El Globo ; and including Jose Calvo Otero, El Nacional; Andres Mata Osorio, El Universal; Juan Manuel Carmona, El Impulso; Luisa de Chiossone, Bloque de
Prensa Venezolana; Eduardo Aleman, El Carabobefio, and Andres De Armas, Bloque de Publicaciones DeArmas provided a hospitable and intellectual environment with numerous courtesies conducive to professional and social activities the President of Venezuela, Dr. Rafael Caldera, accepted the invitation of the association to address the members and their guests Arturo Uslar Pietri, Rodolfo Piza, Fernando Guier, Ramon Tapia, Eduardo Orozco, Luis Ortiz Alvarez, Amb. Robert S. Gelbard, Pedro J. Ramirez, Nestor Humberto Martinez, Carlos Sanchez Berzain, Eduardo Aninat (represented by his political advisor, Hector Casanueva), Carlos Castaneda, Sam Verdeja, Jeff Goertzen, Allen H. Neuharth, George Schlukbier, Rafael Bonnelly, Sam Verdeja, Nora Paul, Luis F. Santos, Jack Fuller, Colin Keeler and Bill Bayles provided insightful talks on matters of great interest to IAPA members Luis Teofilo Nunez A., former IAPA president, offered the welcoming reception
the 51st General Assembly received the generous support of the following persons and organizations who sponsored hospitality receptions, dinners and events and provided useful and informative material:
El Universal, El Nacional, El Globo , U.S. Amb. Jeffrey Davidow, The Freedom Forum, The Miami Herald, The Poynter Institute, Viasa, Telcel, Pepsi-Cola, Duarte Vivas y Asociados, El Carobobefio, NotiTarde, Corpoturismo, R.S. Screen, Oficina Central de Informacion (OCI) and Mrs. Gioconda De Armas
ABITIBI-Price, Rockwell GraphiC Systems and Central National Gottesman offered coffee and refreshments and provided useful and informative materials the 51st General Assembly was by all accounts a resounding success for members, friends and supporters
that the president, officers, directors and members express their deepest gratitude and appreciation to all who have so generously contributed.
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