IAPA announces list of finalists in 2017 Excellence in Journalism contest
Miami, Florida (August 11, 2017)—The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) today announced the list of finalists in the contest that the organization holds each year to encourage excellence in journalism, and the defense of freedom of expression throughout the Americas. Marcela Noble Herrera, Grupo Clarín, Argentina, chair of the Awards Committee, gave the information.
"In a contest of such quality, to be chosen as a finalist is an honor and a mark of excellence," Noble Herrera said. On this occasion there were received more than 1,000 entries, an indication of the enthusiasm that the contest arouses.
As for the prize winners and the honorable mentions – which have been selected among the finalists – they will be announced in the next few days.
These are the categories and the names of the works and their writers that ended up being finalists, without order of relevance:
- Homofobia (Homophobia), by Angel Boligán Corbo, El Universal, Mexico.
- Elecciones (Elections), Pedro Molina Blandón, Confidencial.com.ni, Nicaragua.
- Cervantes & Shakespeare, by Juan Francisco Pérez Gaudio, La Voz del Interior, Argentina.
- Urgente zurcido invisible (Urgent invisible mending), Luis Carreño, El Universal, Mexico.
- Día Mundial del Refugiado (Refugee World Day), José Francisco Cajas Lara, El Comercio, Ecuador.
News Coverage on the Internet
- Agua bendita (Blessed water), Cristina Castro, María Fernanda Lezaca de Paz, Edwin Sanabria López, Isabella Soto, Ruby Marcela Pérez, Lina Álvarez, María Paula Castro, Fabián Cristancho, Viviana Gómez Echeverry, Javier Mancera Rodríguez, Cristian Leguizamón, Hugues Joubert y María del Rosario Laverde; Semana, Colombia
- Juiz solta manifestantes: "Brasil não pode legitimar 'prisão para averiguação (Judge frees protestors: "Brazil cannot legitimize prison for verification"), Marina Rossi Fernandes, El Pais, Brazil.
- Vida de Guillermo Cano, el hombre que enfrentó a Pablo Escobar (Life of Guillermo Cano, the man who confronted Pablo Escobar), a collective work of El Espectador, Colombia.
- Los enfrentamientos de Nochixtlán The Nochixtlán clashes), a collective work of Animal Político, Mexico.
- Uma emergência esquecida (A forgotten emergency), a collective work of O Estado de S. Paulo, Brazil.
News Coverage on Mobiles, Don Alejandro Miró Quesada Garland
- Lanzan gas lacrimógeno, quiebran ventanas y tumban puertas en Palacio de Gobierno (They throw tear gas, break windows and knock down doors at Government Palace), by Manuel Salvador Ang, La opción, Mexico.
- Las elecciones presidenciales en EEUU (The presidential elections in the
USA), Clarín group, Argentina.
- Cobertura noticiosa del Huracán Matthew (News coverage of Hurricane
Matthew), Univisión Noticias group, USA.
News coverage
- El Estados Unidos de la frustración que hizo fuerte a Donald Trump (The United States of the frustration that made Donald Trump strong) by Paula Mercedes Lugones, Clarín, Argentina.
- La muerte de Juan Gabriel (The death of Juan Gabriel) by Julio Quijano, Alida Piñón, Janet Mérida, Erika Monroy, Abida Ventura and Cristina Pérez Stadelmann, El Universal, Mexico.
- Morir una, dos y tres veces de hambre (To die once, twice, three times of hunger) by Andrea Tosta, Johanna Osorio, Johann Starchevich, Jefferson Díaz, Emily Avendaño, Julio Materano, Fabianny Crespo, Alexis Correia, Fabiola Ferrero, Cristian Hernández, Andrea Hernández, Dagne Cobo, Pedro Agranitis, Arnaldo Espinoza, Víctor Amaya and Manuel Sánchez, digital newspaper El Estímulo, Venezuela.
- Las muertes de niños wayuu por desnutrición en el departamento de La Guajira (The deaths of Wayuu children due to malnutrition in Guajira province) by Sandra de Carmen Guerrero, El Heraldo, Colombia.
- La corrupción en la Fiscalía General de República de El Salvador. El caso de la relación entre el ex fiscal Luis Antonio Martínez y el empresario Enrique Rais (Corruption in the El Salvador Attorney General's Office. The case of the relationship of former Attorney General Luis Antonio Martínez and businessman Enrique Rais) by Héctor Silva Ávalos, Bryan Avelar, Salvador Meléndez and César Castro Fagoaga, digital magazine Factum, El Salvador.
- El cementerio de los Zetas del que nadie dijo nada (The Zetas cemetery of which nobody spoke), Vanguardia team, Mexico.
- My Venezuela Nightmare: a 30-day Hunt for food in a starving land, by Fabiola Zerpa, Bloomberg News, USA.
- Mareros en Milán (Mereros in Milan), by Roberto Valencia López, El Faro, El Salvador.
- El escuadrón cazapandilleros (The Gangster-Hunting Squadron), Revista Factum, Bryan Alevar, El Salvador.
- La media luna cartagenera solía ser un largo prostíbulo (The Cartagena half-moon used to be a large brothel), Teresita Goyeneche, Vice, Colombia
Human Rights and Service to the Community
- Un nombre menos en la lista de los muertos que nadie reclama (One name less in the list of the dead that nobody claims), El Tiempo team, Colombia.
- Mentes fugadas, salud mental de los prisioneros de Colombia (Escaped minds, mental health of the prisoners of Colombia), Semana.com team, Colombia.
- Series of reports "Recusas da FAB impedem transplante de 153 órgãos" ("Refusals of the FAB impede transplant of 153 organs"), by Vinicius Carneiro Sassine, Jornal O Globo, Brazil.
- Sonora y BC, puerta de escape para haitianos (Sonora and BC, escape door for Haitains), El Imparcial team, Mexico.
- San Juan de Dios, Simone Dalmasso, Plaza Pública, Guatemala.
- 29 días en la Victoria (29 days in Victoria), by Jorge Manuel Cruz Díaz, Listín Diario, Dominican Republic.
- Historia de Yolanda Henríquez (The Story of Yolanda Henríquez), Salvador Meléndez Girón, Revista Factum, El Salvador.
- Zika outbreak in Rio, Felipe Dana, Associated Press, Brazil.
- Esclavas de la fiebre del oro (Slaves of the gold fecer), Marco Garro Pardo, Ojo Público, Peru.
- El manglar: un paraíso entre la tierra y el mar (The mangrove: a paradise between the land and the sea), Diario de Yucatán team, Mexico.
- El nuevo paseo del Parque Metropolitano The new Metropolitan Park walkway), El Mercurio team, Chile.
- Accidente nuclear de Chernobil (Chernobil nuclear accident), collective work of El Tiempo team, Colombia.
- Juegos Olímpicos (Olympic Games), El Tiempo team, Colombia.
- Expandiendo el Canal de Panamá (Widening the Panama Canal), Ernesto Jaén, Mi Diario, Panama.
- Golpe e os golpeados (The strike and those struck), by Eliane Brum, El Pais, Brazil.
- Sonrían para la foto (Smile for the photo), by Miguel Roth, Angular, Argentina.
- Escribo por Cuba (I write for Cuba), by Estéban Miguel Molina Díaz, La República, Ecuador.
- Nisman, by Héctor Gambini, Clarín, Argentina.
Data Journalism
- El mapa de la muerte. 15 años de homicidios en Cali (The map of death. 15 years of homicides in Cali), El País team, Colombia.
- Clima em transformação (Climate change), O Estado de S. Paulo team, Brazil.
- Los laberintos de una ausencia (The labyrinths of an absence), El Universal team, Mexico.
- Nas alianças para prefeito, a lógica do vale tudo (The alliances for mayor, logic is worth it all), Jornal O Globo team, Brazil.
In-Depth Journalism
- Las últimas prisioneras (The last prisoners), AM team (Mexico), El Mercurio (Antofagasta, Chile), O Estado (Brazil) and Armando Info (Venezuela) CONNECTAS.
- Panama Papers: las revelaciones en Costa Rica (Panama Papers: the revelations in Costa Rica), DataBaseAR team, Costa Rica.
- The Panama Papers. Politicians, Criminals and the Rogue Industry that hides their cash, International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, USA.
- Terrabruta, O Estado de S. Paulo team, Brazil.
- "Especial Africa" ("Africa special") Agência Pública team, Brazil.
- ¿Qué oculta el alcalde Sergio Torres? (What is Mayor Sergio Torres
hiding?), Debate team, Mexico.
Roberto Eisenmann Jr. Envirionmental Journalism
- Dos años de contaminación en Río Sonora (Two years of contamination in Sonora River), Proyecto Puente, Mexico.
- Los huérfanos del lago Poopó (The orphans of Poopó lake), by José Corbella, Univision Digital, USA.
- À espera de Francisco: A peleja da água (Awaiting Francisco: The wáter fight), by Cláudio Dos Santos Ribeiro, Jornal o Povo, Brazil.
- Semiárido Conviver & Preservar (Semi-arid, to live together and preserve), Diário do Nordeste, Brazil.
- La carretera que corta el corazón de la Amazonía (The highway that cuts through the heart of Amazonia), Ojo Público (ojo-publico.com) team, Peru.
Pedro Joaquín Chamorro University Journalism
- Al Tun Tun de Sexy Betancourt, by Mateo Uribe Sáenz, Ciudad Crónica, Colombia.
- Roberto Calderón y su Luna Sanjuanera (Roberto Calderón and his San Juan moon), by Ever José Mejía González, Periódico El Punto, Social Communication Program, Universidad del Norte university, Colombia.
- Los olvidados de La Concepción (The Concepción forgotten ones), by Andrea Carolina Torres López, Periódico El Punto, Social Communication Program, Universidad del Norte, Colombia.
- La WWE de los hermanos Urzúa, (The WWE of the Urzúa brothers), by Juan Manuel Ojeda Güemes, Kilómetro Cero, Communications School of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Chile Pontifical Catholic University), Chile
- Diablos Humanos (Human devils), by Omar David Álvarez Álvarez, Diario El Punto, Social Communication Program, Universidad del Norte, Colombia.
Chair: Marcela Noble Herrera, Grupo Clarín, Argentina.
Vice Chairman: Carlos Salinas, El Diario de Coahuila, Saltillo, Mexico
Manuel Aguilera, Hispano Post, Miami, Florida
Isabel Amorin, Editora Abril, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Rolando Archila, Contrapoder, Guatemala, Guatemala
David Aponte, El Universal, México, D.F., México
Marco Araúz, Grupo El Comercio, Quito, Ecuador
Marcelo Baldovino, Saeta canal 10, Montevideo, Uruguay
Armando Castilla, Vanguardia, Saltillo, México
Rafael Bonnelly, Clicklogix Americas, Miami, Florida
Idania Chirinos, NTN24, Bogotá, Colombia
Leonor de Etchevehere, El Diario, Paraná, Argentina
Virginia Fetter, Diario Popular, Pelotas, Brasil
Carlos García, CB24 Noticias, San José, Costa Rica
Iary Gómez Quesada, Diario Extra, San José, Costa Rica
Katherine Haine, Citymedia.press, London, Canada
Paola Hernández C., Diario Extra, San José, Costa Rica
Carlos Jornet, La Voz del Interior, Córdoba, Argentina
Claudia Martínez, Bloomberg, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Daniel McCosh, Grupo Salinas, Ciudad de México, México
Silvia Miró Quesada, El Comercio, Lima, Perú
Leonor Mulero, GRF Media, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Rosanna Rivera, Listín Magazine, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
Jaime Ruiz, Novedades de Campeche, Campeche, México
The IAPA is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the defense and promotion of freedom of the press and of expression in the Americas. It is made up of more than 1,300 publications from throughout the Western Hemisphere and is based in Miami, Florida.