Costa Rica

Report to the Midyear Meeting
April, 19-22 2022

Restrictions on access to public information continued during this period. There were tense situations between the government and journalists due to restrictions on information about the pandemic.

Official secrecy continued despite an injunction filed by Diario Extra. The Constitutional Chamber determined that it is not obligatory for a public official to give explanations during an interview, allowing the option for the official to respond in writing.

Bill 21.375, proposed by Frente Amplio representative, José María Villalta - which prohibits the use of the image of women in advertising and in the media, which in many cases would amount to prior censorship - is a cause of concern. In case of passing, it stipulates high fines for those who infringe the law.

On March 22 , journalist Rodrigo Guevara - from the program Extra Formato, of Channel 42 - was attacked by a security guard of the Judicial Branch when he was trying to do a news report from outside the building of the institution.

On March 8, during International Women's Day, a Canal 7 cameraman was assaulted by women who were demonstrating and shouting insults against the media.

At the events, speeches and appearances of candidates during the electoral campaign there were numerous aggressions against journalists and the media.
