
APPRECIATION WHEREAS the Inter American Press Association held its Midyear Meeting in Fortaleza, Brazil WHEREAS our Host Committee, chaired by Demócrito Rocha Dummar, O Povo, Fortaleza, and including Francisco Mesquita Neto, O Estado de S. Paulo; Jaime Câmara Júnior, O Popular, Goiânia; Jayme Sirotsky, RBS , Porto Alegre; João Roberto Marinho, O Globo, Rio de Janeiro; Luís Frias, Folha de S. Paulo; Mário Gusmão, Jornal NH, Novo Hamburgo; Nelson Sirotsky, RBS, Porto Alegre; Paulo Cabral de Araújo, Correio Braziliense, Brasilia; and Sylvino de Godoy Neto, Correio Popular, Campinas, provided a hospitable and friendly environment conducive to professional and social activities WHEREAS the vice president of Brazil, Marco Antonio Maciel, and the governor of Ceará, Tasso Jereissati, accepted the invitation of the association to address the members and their guests WHEREAS Claudio Grossman, chairman of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights; Pedro Nikken, president of the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights; Jorge Taiana, executive secretary of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights; Santiago Cantón, special rapporteur on freedom of expression; Jack Fuller, Tribune Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois, United States; Raúl Kraiselburd, El Día, La Plata, Argentina; Mary Helena Alegretti, coordinating secretary for Amazonian legal affairs; Hamilton Nobre Casara, president of the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Natural Resources; Domenico De Masi, professor of sociology at La Sapienza University, Rome, provided insightful talks on matters of great interest to IAPA members WHEREAS the Midyear Meeting received the generous support of the following persons and organizations who sponsored hospitality events and provided useful and informative material: ANJ, A Tarde, Banco do Nordeste, COELCE (Companhia Energética do Ceará), Correio Braziliense, Diário de Pernambuco, EMBRATUR, the government of the State of Ceará, O Povo, PR Newswire, O Estado de S. Paulo, O Globo,, Santana Têxtil, Screaming Media, SEBRAE, SECULT (Ministry of Culture of the State of Ceará), SETUR (Ministry of Tourism of the State of Ceará) TAM, Terra and Varig WHEREAS the Midyear Meeting was in all respects a resounding success for members, friends and supporters THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE IAPA RESOLVES that the president, officers, directors and members express their deepest gratitude and appreciation to all who have contributed.
