
APPRECIATION WHEREAS our Host Committee, chaired by Agustín Edwards Eastman of the Empresa El Mercurio, and including Juan Pablo Illanes Leiva of the Empresa El Mercurio, Alvaro Saieh Bendeck, Oscar Mertz of COPESA, Héctor González V., Alejandro González of the Diario el Rancagüino, Carlos Paúl Lamas, Rafael Maira of Diario El Sur, Mónica Comandari Kayser of Editorial Tiempo Presente (Revista Cosas) and Jorge Babarovic and Francisco Karelovic of La Prensa Austral of Punta Arenas, provided a hospitable and friendly environment conducive to professional and social activities WHEREAS Chilean President Ricardo Lagos, Argentine President Fernando de la Rúa and Uruguyan President Jorge Batlle accepted the invitation of the Association to address the members and their guests WHEREAS Claudio Grossman, Eduardo Aninat, Paulo Coelho, Jorge Edwards, Francisco Ornellas, María José Lecaros, Mike Smith, María Olga Delpiano, Susan Bischoff, Mariana Rapoport, Lucía Castellón Aguayo, María Elvira García, Mara Baraldo, Marilyn Greene, Norvall Skreien, Fernando Leñero, Roberto Méndez and Carlos Soria provided insightful talks on matters of great interest to IAPA members WHEREAS the General Assembly received the generous support of the following persons and organizations who sponsored hospitality events and provided useful and informative material: AGFA Chile, ASIMPRES (Asociación de Impresos de Chile), Central National Gottesman, Inc., CIENTEC, Editorial Santiago, Hewlett Packard, Inforsa, Lan Chile, Nestlé Chile, Nortel, PR Newswire International, Screaming Media, Terra (Telefónica Chile), The Freedom Forum, Tur Bus and Xerox Chile WHEREAS the 56th General Assembly was a resounding success in every way THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE IAPA RESOLVES that the president, officers, directors and members express their deepest gratitude and appreciation to all who have contributed and provided support to this 56th General Assembly.
