the Inter American Press Association held its 54th General Assembly in Punta del Este, Uruguay our Host Committee, chaired by Dr. Washington Beltran, El Pais, and including Danilo Arbilla, Busqueda; Fernando Baccaro, El Telegrafo; Alejandro Bluth, Tres; Marcelo Gallardo, Diario Correa; Ricardo Peirano, EI Observador; Daniel Scheck, El Pais, and Federico Sole, Ultimas Noticias, provided a hospitable and friendly environment conducive to professional and social activities
President Jose Maria Sanguinetti accepted the invitation of the association to address the members and their guests
Jean-Francois Revel, Enrique Iglesias, Mario Vargas Llosa, Stacy Lynch, Marta Gleich, Sebastian Mocorrea, Cole Campbell, John Muller, Suzanne Bilello, Neal Creighton and Del Brinkman provided insightful talks on matters of great interest to IAPA members the 54th General Assembly received the generous support of the following persons and organizations who sponsored hospitality events and provided useful and informative material: ABITIBI-Consolidated, Aerolineas Argentinas, ANTEL, Banco Central del Uruguay, Banco de la Republica Oriental del
Uruguay, Canal 12, Casapueblo, Catedral de Maldonado, Central National-Gottesman, Inc., Corporacion Gastronomica de Maldonado, Cuartel de Dragones, Freedom Forum, Goss Graphic Systems, IBM, I.M. de Maldonado, La Manzanera, Liga de Fomento de Punta del Este, Ministerio de Defensa Nacional, Ministerio de RR.EE., Ministerio del Interior, Mundo MAC, Paycueros y Radio
Concierto FM the 54th General Assembly was by all accounts a resounding success for members, friends and supporters
that the president, officers, directors and members express their deepest gratitude and appreciation to all who have contributed.
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Madrid, Spain