
APPRECIATION WHEREAS the lnter American Press Association held its 50th General Assembly in Toronto, Canada the Host Committee, chaired by Peter G. White, Hollinger Inc., and consisting of A. Roy Megarry, The Glabe and Mail, William Thorsell, The Glabe and Mail, Eduardo Urueña, El Papular, and Anne Marren, The Glabe and Mail, provided a splendid program of professional, cultural and social activities the 50th General Assembly received the generous support of The Taranta Stat; Rockwell International Graphic Systems Division, Pennews Inc., Central National-Gottesman, Inc.; Southam Newspapers, Information International, Abitibi-Price, Hollinger Inc., El Papular and The Glabe and Mail the 50th General Assembly was a great success and willlong be remembered THE 50TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE IAPA RESOLVES that the president, officers, directors and members express their deep gratitude and appreciation to all those who so generously contributed.
