the Inter American Press Association held its 48th General
Assembly in Madrid, Spain, in homage to the SOOth anniversary
of the meeting of the Old World and the New World
their majesties King Juan Carlos and Queen Sophia honored
us with the royal presence at and participation in the opening
our organizing committee, chaired by Alejandro Junco de
la Vega and also made up of Indalecio Diaz, Lazaro Rios, William
P. Williamson, Miguel Angel Valdez, Silma Garza, Isela
Cordero, Gloria Bryan, and our Spanish colleague coordinators,
Javier Riera, Daniel Gavela, Francisco Ramos, Manuel
Rodriguez, Isabel Azcarate, Joaquin Amado, Manuel Adarraga,
Luis de la Lama-Noriega, produced a vital, stimulating and educational program
Our host, Alonso S. Palomares, and the EFE Spanish
News Agency provided a most friendly and hospitable welcome
and environment for our professional and social activities
Alfonso S. Palomares, EFE Spanish News Agency; Pedro
J. Ramirez, E/ Mundo, Madrid; Allen H. Neuharth, the Freedom
Forum, Reston, Virginia; Juan Tapia, La Vanguardia. Barcelona;
Camilo Jose Cela, winner of the 1989 Nobel Prize for
Literature; Jose Maria Amusategui, Banco Central Hispano;
Carlos Espinosa de los Monteros, Circulo de Empresarios;
Javier Garcia Egocheaga, Banco de Inversi6n y Servicios
Financieros; Emilio Fontela, BISF; Charles Jenkins, The
Economist Intelligence Unit; Jesus Silva Herzog, Ambassador
of Mexico to Spain; Enrique Bar6n, European Parliament;
Victoria Camps, Universidad Aut6noma de Barcelona; Pasqual
Maragall, City of Barcelona; Jose Juan Toharia, Universidad
Autónoma de Madrid; Juan Tomas de Salas, Diario 16, Madrid;
Juan Luis Cebrian, El Pais, Madrid; Francisco Pinto Balsemao,
former prime minister of Portugal; Luis Maria Anz6n, ABC,
Madrid; Federico Mayor Zaragoza, director general, UNESCO;
Han. Don Felipe Gonzalez Marquez, president of the Spanish
government, provided us with insightful, interesting, enlightening talks on subjects of great interest to lAP A members
the 48th General Assembly received the generous support
of the following persons and organizations who sponsored hospitality events and supplied informative information: Alfonso S. Palomares and EFE Spanish News Agency, Rockwell Graphic Systems, Eduardo Sanchez Junco, Hola magazine; Antonio
Asensio Pizarro, Ediciones Grupo Zeta; Manuel Rodriguez
Casanueva, Euroforum; La Vanguardia; Juan Tomas de Salas,
Diario 16; Juan Luis Cebrian and El Pais, Madrid; AEDE, President Vicente Montiel and Secretary Pedro Crespo de Lara,
Balsa de Madrid; Central National-Gottesman; Grupo 16;
McClatchy Newspapers; Periódico El Norte; U.S. Embassy
Ambassador of the United States of America Richard G.
Capen, Jr. and Mrs. Capen invited members and their guests to
a reception at the U.S. Embassythe 48th General Assembly was incredibly successful for members, friends and supporters
that the president, officers, directors and members express
their deepest gratitude and appreciation to all who have contributed.
next events
Madrid, Spain