WHEREAS our Host Committee, chaired by Júlio Cesar Mesquita, of O Estado de S.Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, and made up of Paulo de Tarso de Nogueira, O Estado de S.Paulo; Jaime Sirotsky and Marcelo Rech, RBS Group, Porto Alegre, Brazil; Antônio Manuel Teixeira Mendes y María Judith Brito, Folha de S. Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil; Guilherme Doring Cunha Pereira y Ana Amélia Cunha Pereira Filizola, Gazeta do Povo, Curitiba, Brazil; João Roberto Marinho y Marcello Moraes, O Globo, Brazil; Jaime Câmara Junior and Guliver Leão, O Popular, Goiânia, Brazil; Roberto Civita and Jairo Mendes Leal, Editora Abril, Brazil; Sylvino de Godoy Neto and Eduardo Porto, Correio Popular, Campinas, Brazil; Alvaro Teixeira da Costa and Josemar Gimenez de Resende, Diario Associados, Brazil; Marcos Clemente Santini and Roberto Antonio da Costa, A Tribuna, Santos, Brazil provided an atmosphere of hospitality and cordiality conducive to professional, social, and artistic activities of a very positive nature
WHEREAS the General Assembly received the generous support of the following organizations who sponsored hospitality events, offered services, and provided material and useful and informative equipment: Sabesp, J&F, Odebrecht, Souza Cruz, the Association of Brazilian Newspapers, (ANJ) and TAM, the official airline
WHEREAS the Organizing Committee contributed to the success of the General Assembly, coordinated by
Flávia Valletta of the Estado Group in São Paulo and made up of Meire Fidelis of Editora Abril and Fernanda Araújo, O Globo, Rio de Janeiro; also making important contributions was the Editorial Committee, coordinated by Ricardo Gandour and Marcelo Berada, of O Estado de São Paulo, Sandra Gonçalves, of the Gazeta do Povo, Paraná, Marcelo Rech of the RBS Group, Porto Alegre; other essential contributions were made by the Academic Committee coordinated by Roberto Gazzi, Estado Group of São Paulo, and made up by Alfredo Ogawa of Editora Abril, São Paulo, Letícia Helena of O Globo, Rio de Janeiro, Lúcia Pires, of Zero Hora, Porto Alegre; CdN Comunicação, led by João Rodarte and Renato Ganhito, was responsible for the team of press assistants, and Ricardo Iunes and Felipe Mureb were responsible for production of the event, and there were also important contributions by Sandra Colonna and Angela Ribeiro of Colonna & Ribeiro, Rosana Souza; and the hotel staff, under the coordination of Isabel Miragaia also provided a superb working environment
WHEREAS actress Regina Duarte, of São Paulo, Brazil; Edgardo Martolio, editor of the magazine Caras de São Paulo, Brazil; Ellyn Angelotti, of the Poynter Institute, St. Petersburg, Florida, and attorney Taís Gasparian, of São Paulo, Brazil were the panelists at a seminar on freedom of the press and the right to privacy that attracted much attention and good comments among those in attendance and which also had the participation of Patricia Kogut, O Globo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil as moderator.
WHEREAS with the moderation of Marcelo Schmidt Rehder, president of SP Turis of São Paulo and with the participation of specialists in entertainment and tourism from important Brazilian newspapers, Luiz Américo Camargo, Estado Group, São Paulo; Kiki Romero, Veja magazine, São Paulo; José Flavio Junior, Bravo magazine, São Paulo, and Marcos Augusto Gonçalves, Folha de S. Paulo, participating delegates were offered a guide to the major attractions and qualities of the city of São Paulo which was very useful for make their stay more pleasant.
WHEREAS in the first workshop on the program for Friday, October 12, panelists Rodrigo Silva Martínez, El País, Madrid, Spain; Sergio Peçanha, The New York Times, New York, U.S.A., and Luíz Iría, Editora Abril, São Paulo, Brazil, with the moderation of Fábio Sales of the Estado Group, São Paulo, Brazil, offered a very interesting analysis on the trends in info graphics in multimedia as a complement to information.
WHEREAS a careful analysis of the opportunities in journalism for the future through commercially sustainable media was offered in a high-level seminar by Juan Luis Cebrián, El País, Spain and Rosental Calmon Alves, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, with moderation by Fernando Rodríguez, Folha de S. Paulo;
WHEREAS the second workshop discussed new technologies, trends, and challenges, particularly of the work platforms that multiply the offers of contents, with the participation of Roberto Pombo, El Tiempo, Bogotá, Colombia and Ricardo Gandour, Estado Group, São Paulo, Brazil, with Luiz Fernando Rocha Lima, O Popular, Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil as moderator
WHEREAS panelists Marcelo Moraes, Infoglobo, Río de Janeiro, Brazil and Judith Brito, Folha de São Paulo, Brazil, talked about how to charge for quality journalism in the digital world with their deep knowledge of the latest themes in journalism and Silvio Genesini, former director president Estado Group, São Paulo, Brazil was the moderator of the session
WHEREAS at lunch on Saturday, October 13, the prestigious intellectual, former minister, professor and writer, Jorge Castañeda, offered a pointed presentation on the communications media from a Latin American social-development perspective and was introduced by the chairman of the Executive Committee, Juan Luís Correa
WHEREAS at the next panel on Press and Sustainability, Marina Silva former minister of the Environment and former senator in Brazil and Francisco Miró Quesada, El Comercio, Lima, Peru, spoke on the difficult road that journalism companies are following to become sustainable, and at the same time, cover the topic of sustainability without falling into the trap of the market of sources, with the contribution of Marcelo Rech, RBS Group, Porto Alegre, Brazil
WHEREAS the panel on intellectual property in the digital era had the participation of German jurist Felix Stang, RAUE LLP, Berlin, Germany, and his Brazilian colleague Manoel Pereira dos Santos, São Paulo, Brazil, as well as Marcel Leonardi, director of public policy at Google, São Paulo, Brazil, generating great interest and attendance of delegates, in a panel moderated by Danilo Arbilla, Búsqueda, Montevieo; Uruguay
WHEREAS on Sunday as the sessions began of the Committee on Freedom of Press and Information, under the chairmanship of Gustavo Mohme, there was an informative panel on attacks against the Inter American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), which was made up by José Miguel Vivanco, Human Rights Watch, Washington, D.C.; Roberto Lameirinhas, Estado Group, São Paulo, Brazil and Carlos Alberto Di Franco, International Institute of Social Sciences, São Paulo, Brazil and in which the president of IAPA, Milton Coleman, The Washington Post, Washington, D.C., USA, served as moderator
WHEREAS at the lunch on Sunday, the mayor of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Eduardo Paes, offered an interesting presentation on preparations that the city is making to host the two most important sports events in the world, the World Cup of Football (Soccer) in 2014 and the Summer Olympic Games in 2016
WHEREAS in the afternoon of that day, as sessions continued of the Committee on Freedom of the Press and Information, a panel was offered on legal topics that affect the press, which included as panelist Alexandre Jobin, RBS Group, Porto Alegre, Brazil, and the regional vice presidents Pedro Rivero Jordán, of El Deber, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia; José Eustorgio Colmenares, La Opinion, Cúcuta, Colombia, Washington Beltrán, El País, Montevideo, Uruguay and Marco E Zileri, Caretas magazine, Lima, Peru, moderated by the chairman of the committee, Gustavo Mohme
WHEREAS Aluízio Maranhão, O Globo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and the regional vice presidents of the Committee on Freedom of the Press Andrea Miranda, El Debate, Culiacán, Mexico, Eduardo Quirós, La Estrella of Panama, and Miguel Franjul, Listín Diario, Dominican Republic, made up a panel on freedom of the press under organized crime and news coverage, moderated by Gustavo Mohme, La República, Lima, Peru
WHEREAS in an extraordinary session on the future of journalism, with the attendance of hundreds of university journalism students and teachers, for several hours in which the most important topics of the industry were discussed, from the survival of the media to the training of modern journalists, having as presenters Ascanio Seleme, O Globo, Río de Janeiro, Brazil, who spoke to the theme How will Journalism be without printed newspapers?, Cezar Freitas, RBS Group TV, Porto Alegre, Brazil, on the topic The digital impact on the future of TV, Eurípedes Alcântara, Veja magazine, São Paulo, Brazil, under the title Will journalistic ethics change?, José Antonio Verga Gil, EFE Agency, Madrid, Spain, who addressed the topic The print media crisis and the future of news agencies, Ricardo Gandour, Estado Group, São Paulo, Brazil, with his talk Will traditional media survive? and Sergio Dávila, Folha de S. Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, with his presentation Will journalists have to be multimedia? and with Roberto Gazzi, Estado Group, in the role of moderator
WHEREAS at the breakfast for delegates, Carol Elizabeth Conway, attorney for Folha de S. Paulo, moderated a panel on the influence of women in the newsroom and media business, having the contribution of Vera Brandimarte, Valor Económico, São Paulo, Brazil and Sandra Sanches, Infoglobo, Río de Janeiro, Brazil
WHEREAS a panel made up of Marcelo Beraba, Estado Group; Roberto Rock, El Universal, Mexico City, and Ricardo Kirschbaum, Clarín, Buenos Aires, Argentina, made known the results of an exclusive investigation by IAPA among editors on the American continent
WHEREAS in a workshop moderated by Fernán Saguier, La Nación, Buenos Aires, on the training of journalists in the multimedia scenario, attendees benefited from its great content, thanks to presentations by
Marta Gleich, RBS Group, Porto Alegre, Brazil; Sandra Gonçalves, Gazeta do Povo, Paraná, Brazil and Carlos Jornet, La Voz del Interior, Córdoba, Argentina
WHEREAS their excellencies the governor of the state of São Paulo, Geraldo Alckmin and the mayor of the city of São Paulo, Gilberto Kassab, were present and pronounced messages at the inaugural ceremony that also had speeches by the president of IAPA, Milton Coleman, The Washington Post, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. and the chairman of the Host Committee, Júlio Cesar Mesquita, Estado Group
WHEREAS the publisher and chairman of the board of The New York Times Company, Arthur Sulzberger Jr., was the main speaker at the lunch of Monday, October 15, after the inauguration ceremony, generating an atmosphere of information, discussion, and brotherhood among the hemispheric press in which he answered a number of questions from participants
WHEREAS former presidents Fernando Henrique Cardoso of Brazil and Alan García of Peru were on a panel in the afternoon, giving relevant presentations on freedom of expression and the right to information in an activity that also had a presentation by José Miguel Vivanco, Human Rights Watch, Washington, D.C., U.S.A. and one by Roberto Civita, Editora Abril, São Paulo, Brazil;
WHEREAS Monday afternoon a seminar was held on the appearance of new models of the journalism company, with the presence of analyst, journalist and internationally renowned speaker Ken Doctor, San Jose, California, U.S.A. and with Caio Tulio Costa, Comunicaciones MVL, São Paulo, Brazil serving as moderator
WHEREAS on Tuesday, October 16 the last panel of the Assembly was held, dedicated to analyzing the impact of violence on journalism, with speakers Marcelo Godoy, Estado Group, São Paulo, Brazil and Túlio Khan, sociologist and political scientist, São Paulo with Gustavo Mohme, La República, Lima, Peru serving as moderator
WHEREAS the delegates to the 68th General Assembly of the IAPA were treated on Saturday to a welcome reception, and on Sunday to a beautiful night of music at the Municipal Theater by invitation of the mayor of São Paulo, Gilberto Kassab, in addition to a reception offered by Mr. Roberto Civita to the Executive Committee of IAPA.
To express on behalf of the president, its officers, directors and members its deepest gratitude and appreciation to the people and enterprises that contributed to and supported this 68th General Assembly.
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Madrid, Spain