WHEREAS the controversial initiative that is in the Parliament establishes measures to prevent acts of hatred and discrimination in social media and on the Internet, subjects that are already established in Article 32 of the Organic Law of the National Congress
WHEREAS the bill contravenes the Salta Declaration on Principles of Freedom of Expression in the Digital Era, in its articles 2 and 3, on the fact that "legislation and public policies about the Internet should be directed at guaranteeing that the digital space be open, neutral, accessible by all and attached to human rights" and that "the governments must not inhibit with regulations the expressions of public interest in the digital space, neither impose sanctions aggravated by the fact that they be manifested in said space" and neither should "penalize criticism, information or protest against public officials on matters of public interest or against persons who voluntarily expose themselves to the scrutiny of society."
to ask Congress to leave without effect the discussion of the bill for the Law on Cyber Security due to the fact that it violates fundamental rights and constitutional guarantees.